Banner by TheProtobabe

List of Rangers

Head Rangers

  • K’sariya

Elite Rangers

  • VeloJello
  • Gold

Active Rangers

  • evanfardreamer
  • Mikey57
  • Mako
  • Sapahn
  • Axion
  • WinterVines
  • Cress Albane/ExistentialBeemo

Passed Ranger Quiz

  • Elysia
  • Fenris
  • Mlouden03

Inactive Rangers

  • Akinai
  • AmericanTreeFrog
  • Ataro
  • BeanMachine
  • Buoy
  • Buzzer
  • Chainreaction01
  • Crossover
  • DarkGardevoir
  • Dinobot
  • Dragoness
  • Dog of Hellsing
  • Ebail
  • Eeveedude
  • Eraizaa-kun
  • Felly
  • Gliscorman
  • gmandiddy
  • Iridium
  • KantoMasta
  • Lord Khajmer
  • LowlyHumanCub
  • Magikchicken
  • MaverickKaiser
  • Meow Wow
  • MuddyMudkip
  • Nekogal
  • Nitro
  • Nyurgh
  • PokeViper
  • Professor Yew
  • ragnarock0420
  • Lord RainbowMoondust
  • rockman0
  • sheepskinfuton
  • Siless
  • Sky Lark
  • sorocoroto
  • Splishee
  • Synthesis
  • Taither
  • TheProtobabe
  • Timpeni
  • Trainer17
  • Tyranitex
  • WebMaster
  • Windchaser54321
  • Zolar

Park Plot

No one is quite sure how the island came about.

It wasn’t until recent years that it was discovered by one Joseph Farnsworth, one of the richest men in the world. He’d been enjoying a week-long fishing trip with some of his friends, testing out a new private boat he’d just purchased. It was only by a stroke of luck that Joseph saw the outline of the island and decided to go check it out. When he and his friends arrived, they agreed to explore the island, since it wasn’t listed on the map they had. What they found astounded them; Pokemon of all kinds roamed the island, and even more surprising was the fact that they were not used to humans! They came right up to Joseph and his friends, showing no fear or aggression, and it was obvious they’d never seen a human in their lives before that day.

Joseph was more ecstatic about this than his friends, and as soon as they returned to the southern shores of the Orange Islands, Joseph immediately claimed the island and dubbed it Farn’s Paradise. Right after that, he began using his massive fortune to develop the island. Teams of professional explorers and surveyors were called in to chart the island, and these groups discovered that the piece of isolated land was huge, measuring at least half the size of the entire region of Hoenn! With this information in hand, Joseph started drafting plans for making something of the island, fixing to make it after its name. He started work on a huge mansion, a communication station complete with a radio tower and other such equipment, and the Sky Platform (where he’d be able to look out over his island at leisure), which was built before all else.

Unfortunately, recession struck hard right during the middle of development, and Joseph lost a large amount of his fortune. Construction was halted, and, now finding himself strapped for cash, the once-rich man bid sad farewell to his island and sold it to the Orange Islands government. This wasn’t the end of the island, though, not at all. In fact, it was about to have a whole new destiny bestowed upon it.

Using the surveys and information that Joseph had handed over, the government decided to transform the island into the largest Park the world had ever seen. They changed the name, dubbing the island the National Park, and within a year of being sold, construction was once again in full swing on the island. The first thing to be built were Outposts, which were used to monitor the Park and the Pokemon living on it. The mansion that had been half-built was left as it was, and by this time it was already being reclaimed by the forest it had been erected in.

But new problems were arising for the Park, or rather, old problems were becoming more of an issue. Ever since its discovery, the island had been plagued by various individuals seeking to take advantage its abundant resources. Poachers, people seeking to extract valuable minerals and the like, random uncertified adventurers, and others were becoming more and more of a threat to the welfare of the island, the National Park, and all the Pokemon inhabiting it. Because of the growing problem, caretakers known as Rangers were hired to help look after the island and its Pokemon. It was also their job to lead visitors through the Park, keeping them and the Pokemon they encountered safe.

Rangers also had another job. Long before the National Park was complete or before the island was even discovered, many of the island’s Pokemon were overbreeding. It was decided that, instead of trapping or killing the crowds of Pokemon, Trainers would be allowed to come and capture some. Thus, it fell to the Rangers to lead Trainers through the Park as well as regular visitors.

Finally, everything was ready. The Park opened, and has been thriving ever since. However, there is certainly more than meets the eye when it comes to the island. Many are puzzled by why the island was never discovered until a few years ago, considering it’s big enough to be called a small region. This is a mystery deepened when one takes into account several facts about the island, such as when one member of a team of archaeologists claimed the landmass had once been inhabited by an ancient human civilization. Or the fact that every Pokemon known to exist flourishes in this one area. In fact, biologists are baffled by the enormous variety of fauna and flora that are present on the island, and experts disagree whether the terrain is natural. It all seems too well-planned, too perfect…And every so often, visitors see and hear…things. Ghostly creatures that don’t look like any animal or Pokemon and don’t register in a PokeDex, or unusual, eerie noises that seem to come from everywhere…

The National Park is open and its many wonders are waiting for you. But what else will you find among the many Pokemon and sprawling habitats? What secrets will you uncover? Is the island really just a normal landmass in the middle of the ocean, or is there something more to it? There’s only one way to find out, so get ready and dive into the National Park!

General Park Rules

Here is a quick list with explanations on what Trainers can and can’t do while in the Park:



Please feel free to ask your Ranger if you need clarification on something!

General Rules of RP

Basically, this is like any other RP, except for a few key differences. That being the case, most rules that apply to regular RPs will apply to this one, even if they’re not posted here. If you have questions about something, feel free to ask any Ranger or Staff member.

Roleplay Basics

The National Park works as an area in the URPG where all Pokemon, barring legendaries, can be caught. To do this, Trainers pick an area from our Location List and pair up with a Ranger to go exploring in a roleplay.

A roleplay is like an interactive story for two or more people, so feel free to get creative. There aren’t really any set ways to do this, so Rangers have free reign to come up with things like plot, the way Pokemon appear, etc. This means that not every run is just going to be an assembly line of battling wild Pokemon. There can be plot problems to solve, hard choices to make, or even a technical boss fight. It all depends on what the Ranger comes up with and works out with the Trainer. If a Trainer wants nothing but a stream of battles, that’s perfectly fine, but if they want something more fun, that’s fine too.

Despite the type of run it is, a Trainer can really get into the role and play out their character like they think he or she would act in their posts. There are a couple things to keep in mind, however:

This is key. A successful roleplay is about communication as much as creativity. If a Trainer is confused about what a Ranger wrote or wants more detail about something specific, like the environment, it’s important to ask, either in a post or through VM/PM/instant messenger. Likewise, if a Trainer wants to contribute to plot or request a simple run with just many battles, they should communicate that too. We can’t read minds!

Many things in the Park depend on the quality of a Trainer’s posts. This is not a perfect science job with strict rules like battling in the video games. Much of what Rangers do is judgment-based, so there is no definite format. That is where the Trainer’s job comes in to impress them.

To keep quality high, put some effort into posts. Include things like what your character is doing/thinking, environment, how their partner Pokemon is acting, etc, just like you would in a story. Be descriptive. If outside of battle, solve problems creatively. Staying in character, for both a Trainer and their Pokemon, also adds points to this. Here are some other things that contribute:

  1. Realism: Could the attack really happen? Is the Pokemon the type to execute that type of move and are they healthy enough to do it? Can the Pokemon follow a long string of commands that gets confusing or complicated? If not, then the move may not work out the way a Trainer plans. Keep in mind that Pokemon also aren’t stuck in one place—they can move around and dodge. Just don’t expect to dodge all attacks; that wouldn’t be plausible.
  2. Practicality: Trainers will encounter many different environments, outside factors, and details as they travel through the Park. Pay attention to these, as they can affect battles and interactions with Pokemon. For example, using Vine Whip on a Lapras’ shell will probably do less damage than using it on the soft underbelly. Likewise, trying to use Quick Attack through a muddy patch may slow the Pokemon down. A Trainer can use the surroundings to their advantage—as well as being used against them.
  3. Base Power (BP) and Power Points (PP): While moves don’t always work in the Park the same they do in game, there are still some things to keep track of. Base Power (BP) refers to how strong a move is—higher BP moves are likely to do more damage. Power Points (PP), however, don’t refer to how many times you can use a move. Instead, it’s a guide to see how hard the move is to perform—moves that have few PP, like Hyper Beam, are harder to use than moves with a lot of PP, like Tackle.
  4. Creativity: Just calling out attacks may not get a Trainer anywhere, either in or out of battle. If in battle, come up with unique ways to use moves, and really describe them too. Many people forget that. Try to use combinations, like Sweet Scent to disorient a wild Pokemon before a Trainer’s charges in with Headbutt. If outside of battle, think of non-standard ways to solve the issues that come up. Use quirks; try something weird.
  5. Basic Grammar: While this doesn’t need to be perfect, a post that has many typos or an odd structure can be hard to understand, and that may not translate clearly what a Trainer wants to happen. Keep in mind that other people read these posts, so a basic proofread or breaking up text into paragraphs can really help. If unsure, checking Ranger posts may provide a good example.

Each Pokemon encountered has what is called a Minimum Character Requirement (MCR) guideline.

MCR is what determines how many characters, and thus how much effort, should go into getting a Pokemon. Each Rank has its own MCR; in order to capture a Pokemon, a Trainer must meet the MCR for the Pokemon they want to catch. As Trainers post, the character count in their posts contribute to meeting that Pokemon’s MCR. Going over a Pokemon’s MCR will give them a bonus to help their odds of successfully catching a Pokemon; being under the limit will penalize them and make it harder. The Trainer’s MCR for the current encounter will reset at the end of each encounter, with the exception of Legendary Pokemon—characters earned during a Legend encounter carry over into the next encounter. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to ask a Ranger!

All evolution stages of a Pokemon are captured based off of their basic form’s rank and MCR. For example, if you encounter a Kingdra, its MCR will be 16,000 characters since Horsea is Uncommon.

Starting a Run

Trainers must be a member of URPG in order to take a run through the Park. There is also a Start-Up Guide available for a quicker breakdown of the basics.

Character Creation
Once signed up, Trainers can make a post with a character in the Sign-Up thread for use in a roleplay. There is no limit on the amount of characters you can create, but a Ranger does have to approve them. Any useful or interesting details about characters can be listed here, as well as a piece of art if it’s appropriate. When you create your first character, you automatically receive 5 Park Balls, a Lava Cookie, a Poke Doll, and an Energy Powder Plus.

This area is where you’ll keep track of which Pokemon you bring into and take out of the Park—as well as their natures. Your own Pokemon natures can be kept in your regular URPG stats if you like, but be sure to keep Park captures in your sign-up for easier tracking. Any Park items you own can also go on the sign-up or in your normal stats.

Park Shop
Before a Trainer goes out on a run, they can choose to obtain more supplies from the Park Shop. The only required items are Park Balls to catch Pokemon, but there are many other useful items, such as Voice Disks to attract a specific Pokemon, repellents to keep certain Pokemon away, and healing items if a Trainer’s Pokemon get too hurt in battle. All supplies must be purchased before the run begins—they can’t be added while the run is progressing. Items are also locked into the run that they are brought into—once you enter a run with an item, that item cannot be in another run’s inventory until the first is completed. The exceptions to this are Apricorn Boxes and Digital Cameras.

The only items a Ranger carries with them for sale are Pokedolls, which give 100% escape rate from any wild Pokemon. These can be bought during the run for $500 each if a Trainer doesn’t want to buy them beforehand. Money for them is subtracted from stats in a Trainer’s next post just as it would be in the Pokemart or Shop.

The amount of Pokemon that you can bring varies with the type of run. You may bring 2 to a Beginner Run, 3 to an Individual Run, and 4 to an Endurance Run. For Team Runs, these amounts are per person. You may also choose to bring fewer than the cap.

Once a Trainer decides which Pokemon they will take with them on a run, they have to decide two things:

  1. Ability: If a Pokemon has more than one ability, a Trainer must choose which one they want to use for the duration of their run. Most of them work like they do in-game, with a few exceptions.
  2. Nature: This is a little bit harder. Every Pokemon also has a nature which partly dictates how it acts in battle or otherwise. When a Trainer brings a Pokemon into the Park to go on a run, they can choose their own Pokemon natures. For a list of natures and their descriptions, see here! Once entered in a run, this nature cannot change except by using an item from the Park Shop, so choose wisely. Wild Pokemon a Trainer captures will also be assigned a nature, but these can also be changed with an item from the Park Shop.

Nature is not the be-all-end-all as far as personality. All Pokemon, under the right circumstances, can be persuaded or act out in a way that’s not totally in-line with their nature. Quality of post will determine the majority of what a Trainer can ask their Pokemon to do that is not in-character. Keeping aligned with the correct nature often wins points in a Trainer’s favor, while ignoring nature can have negative effects. Some natures are harder to roleplay, such as Sassy, but there are a few basic starting ones too, like Brave or Hardy.

Applying for a Run
Once all preparations are made, a Trainer is ready to apply to go on a run. The first thing to do is pick out an area from our Locations List. We have ten different areas to pick from, all with a different selection of Pokemon. More in-depth descriptions can be found in the link above, but briefly:

After picking an area, a Trainer has to select what type of run they want to do. There are three sections to choose from:

There are also three different types of runs in these categories:

After everything is decided, a Trainer can fill in the right information in the Front Gate application of BeginnerIndividual, and Main and wait for a Ranger to accept their run. Happy catching!

Encountering Pokemon

After the expedition has been started, a Trainer will go through their chosen area and run into Pokemon. How they run into those Pokemon is up to the Ranger. Some will be stumbled upon, chased after, or even ambushed. A Trainer must then decide what to do with the encounter.

What Pokemon Appear
A Ranger determines what Pokemon show up by first randomly rolling rank of Pokemon from the tier list located in the Information for Rangers section. Then, Pokemon are rolled according to the location the Trainer chose. For example, say a Trainer was going to the Botanical Gardens. If a 5 is rolled off the tier list, that is Common Rank. Then, the Ranger rolls an 1, which signals Caterpie is going to appear. If a repellent is used, the incorrect Pokemon are rerolled accordingly. Rangers can obtain these lists in one of two ways:

Order Pokemon Appear
There really is no set order for which Pokemon appear when—that is entirely up to the Ranger. Some of them like to arrange Pokemon by plot or according to the Trainer’s skill level or quality. Some may even randomly roll the order. A particularly common approach is to “save the best for last” in regards to a Pokemon the Trainer maybe really wants or is really rare. There are a couple things that can affect Pokemon order, however:

Trainer’s Choice
After a Pokemon appears, the Trainer needs to make a choice in what they want to do with it. They have three main options:

Fleeing From a Wild Pokemon Encounter
If you run into a Pokemon you don’t want, you have the option of running from it. All attempts at fleeing a Pokemon must be rolled by a Ranger. A roll of 51 or higher results in a successful escape; results of 50 or below result in a failed escape attempt. However, if a Trainer uses a PokeDoll it will always result in a 100% chance of escaping. In some cases, a Trainer can interact and roleplay to adjust the escape roll if the Ranger deems it appropriate—but this will not always result in a successful escape.

Battling Pokemon

Battling is a key part in the Park because it’s the most direct way to interact with Pokemon. The main thing to remember is that battling the Park is not like in-game at all—a Pokemon isn’t going to faint in one or two hits. The battle calculator is not used when calculating damage. Instead, battling takes on an anime style, with damage and effects are influenced by post quality. Moves can be used in unique and creative ways.

For more in-depth information on Park’s Anime-Style Battling, click here!

Both Rangers and Trainers have different jobs:

For the most part, there aren’t too many things for a Trainer to keep track of. They must keep their post quality up while having their characters move, along with a description or thoughts on how their moves and motions should work. Here are some things Trainers should keep in mind:

Rangers have a couple more things to keep track of, but almost all of them can be affected by a Trainer’s post quality. Rangers determine if an attack lands and the outcome of that attack (like secondary effects), including damage to both Pokemon. Damage is subjective—a calculator is rarely used to determine this. Rangers keep in mind several factors when they adjust battle stats:

Type advantage or disadvantage are mostly followed as they are in-game. However, quality massively affects this and may change up to the Ranger’s jurisdiction. For example, a low-quality super effective move would do far less than a high quality not very effective move! Creativity increases your quality, so you can make unique choices pay off!

Battling Shedinja
Because Shedinja has Wonder Guard, it has some special rules:

Instead of HP, Shedinja has 100% EL (Energy Level). Each time it attacks, it loses 5% EL, 10% EL, or 15% EL (depending on the quality of the Trainer’s posts). Every time Shedinja dodges an attack, it loses 5% EL, and each time a non-super-effective move strikes it, it loses 3% EL. When Shedinja reaches 0% EL, it will make a final attack and flee. Using a super-effective attack will automatically KO Shedinja, barring a Trainer from catching it.

Capturing Pokemon

After a Pokemon’s health has been whittled away, a Trainer can attempt to capture it. There are many factors that impact a capture rate, but the big thing to remember is that if a Trainer is not a jerk and puts some effort into posting, they will probably catch the Pokemon. Very rarely do wild Pokemon run away or faint for no reason.

When you are ready to capture, a Park Ball is thrown. Park Balls are sturdier than in-game Pokeballs. If you throw a Park Ball to capture a Pokemon and it fails, the Park Ball doesn’t break. You will have to pick it up later after the battle. Situations such as the ball falling somewhere unreachable, something else breaking the Park Ball, the Park Ball being lost in a river, taken away by a wild Pokemon, and others, may still occur, in which case you lose that Park Ball and can’t use it again.

When a Park Ball is thrown, Rangers determine a capture percent rate of success. It is calculated with this Calculator.

What Affects Capture Rate:

Befriending Wild Pokemon
As an alternative to battling, some Pokemon are able to be befriended–captured without having to undergo a battle or some other physical task with it. This style of capture is sort of like a tag-along road trip; the Trainer convinces the Pokemon to join them while they explore together. Below are the rules and regulations Rangers must follow when allowing a Trainer to attempt to befriend a wild Pokemon.

Ways to Befriend
Befriending comes in many forms. Possible—but not limited to—methods of capturing a Pokemon in this manner are:

After Capture
After you’ve captured a Pokemon, you have a choice: claim the Pokemon to your URPG stats immediately, or hold off on claiming it to see what else you will encounter. If you decide to claim the Pokemon at any point, you are required to post in the Pokemon Claims thread to claim your Pokemon. This is required, and is so we have a record of your claiming! While you’re free to claim whatever Pokemon you catch as you like, note that if you reach the maximum amount of Pokemon you can take home from your run by claiming as you go, you will no longer be able to catch Pokemon for the rest of the run! However, you will be free to continue to do everything else, including battle, explore, collect Apricorns, take photos, record blank discs, etc.!

Note that no matter what evolution stage you encountered and captured a Pokemon in, it will go into your URPG stats as its basic form. This means that if you catch a Chandelure, it will go into your stats as a Litwick.

Ending A Run

There are a few conditions under which a run might end:

If you run out of Balls to capture Pokemon with, or if you reach your maximum cap of claimed Pokemon, note your run will not immediately end. Instead, you may choose to continue to battle, explore, take photographs, and collect Apricorns as usual until the end of your run.

Park Mastery

Park Mastery is a system that rewards visiting the Park. It focuses on your character(s) growing as a Park adventurer in the areas that they frequent! It is specific to each of your individual Park characters. You’ll find that as your character frequents the Park more often, Rangers will start to warm up to them and treat them like regulars!

Park Mastery is also specific to each area of the Park. Completing full-length runs gives your character Park Mastery in that area. This is somewhat at the Ranger’s discretion–for example, if you used dolls on all encounters to try to run through it, the Ranger can choose not to let you count that run for mastery. The Ranger will post if you’ve received Mastery for that run in the Run Completion thread at the conclusion of the run.

Mastery rank requirements are determined by number of full runs completed in that area. Trainers are in charge of keeping track of their mastery and number of runs in each area. This means that Trainers should also list and link the runs they’ve completed when listing their Mastery. This information should be kept in each character’s Trainer Sign Up. Links should be to the Ranger’s Run Completion post, which will indicate if you’ve recieved Mastery for that run or not. For Enigma Ruins, at the end of the completed run, you may choose one of the areas that you completed at least one full encounter in. The one you choose will be the one that you gain a run for Mastery in.

Mastery for Runs started before August 2018:
Don’t worry–the progress you’ve made so far before the system went into place will still contribute to your current mastery. Any five full encounters that you’ve completed in an area in the past will contribute to your current Mastery level. Any currently ongoing runs that you complete will contribute one run to your current mastery bonus for each five full encounters that you complete. Encounters escaped by using a Doll will not count. You can claim mastery for anything you have linked proof for!

Mastery Ranks
These are the mastery ranks you can currently earn, and the requirements to earn them!

If you’re on an Enigma Ruins run, you can choose your Mastery effects at the Gate, but those effects will only apply if you roll Pokemon from those areas, and will only apply when you are encountering a Pokemon of that area.

* Note for Rangers: This is done by simply increasing and decreasing each rank’s margin by 1. For example, if a Trainer chooses to increase Rares and decrease Commons, Common will be 1-8, Uncommon will be 9-16, and Rare will be 17-19.

Miscellaneous Tips

Here are some miscellaneous things that may come up in the Park.


If a Trainer takes an Apricorn Box (buyable in the Park Shop) with them on their Expedition, there is a 20% chance of finding an Apricorn after every encounter, both Capture and Fleeing. There are 7 different types of Apricorns, so a 7-sided die would be rolled to determine what kind is found: Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Green, and White.

Apricorns can be redeemed at the Park Shop for special Park Balls. These balls are specific to a type of Pokemon in the Park and require you to have the correct Apricorns for the ball you want to make. They take on the strength of a Hyper Ball but add 15% to the end Capture Rate. For example, if a Trainer had a Capture Rate of 80%, using one of these balls makes it 95% instead.

Displaced Pokemon
This is a rare event, but there are times when certain incidents might cause Pokemon to flee from their natural area. In these cases, Trainers in the area these Pokemon flee to have the chance of encountering and capturing them if they are on a run in the Main RP.

First, a major incident must happen in the Main RP. These last until the incident is resolved. This may be a fire in the Botanic Gardens, a massive rockslide at Meteor Valley, or corruption of the pools at the Great Lakes. Only when the incident has been posted in the Incident Board thread may Pokemon flee from the affected area. Pokemon fleeing from an affected area can appear in any area adjacent to the one they live in (above, below, or to either side), but not areas diagonal from the one they live in.

To determine if a Trainer will encounter any Displaced Pokemon, the Ranger will reroll all of a Trainer’s remaining encounters. They will first roll a number of 2-sided dice equal to the number of encounters remaining; 1’s will indicate that Pokemon of the Trainer’s original area (they area they chose to visit) will be encountered, while 2’s indicate that fleeing Pokemon will be encountered. From there, the Ranger will roll for Rank and individual Pokemon. If a new Trainer enters the Park during an incident, all of their encounters will be rolled this way.

A Trainer is at Mt. Deckbi and has six encounters remaining. An overly-powerful Earthquake at the Abandoned Power Plant has made it partially collapse, causing dozens of Pokemon to flee to other areas for safety and shelter. Because the Power Plant is next to Mt. Deckbi, the Pokemon fleeing from the Power Plant may be encountered at Mt. Deckbi during the incident’s time frame. The Ranger must reroll the six remaining encounters. First, they must roll to determine which area the Pokemon encountered will be from. Say they roll two 1s and four 2s.

The first two Pokemon are therefore from Mt. Deckbi, while the following four are from the Abandoned Power Plant. The Trainer then goes on to roll for Rank and then individual Pokemon.

After an incident is resolved (incidents last until they are resolved, no matter what they are), Trainers who are already in the Park WILL NOT have their encounter list rerolled again to remove the displaced Pokemon. Their list will keep any displaced Pokemon that were rolled even after the incident has been resolved. However, after an incident has been resolved, displaced Pokemon will return to their normal area and any new Trainers coming in will not have them included in their encounter list rolls.

Other Miscellaneous Guidelines

Event and Event Items

When population and Rangers are able, we host events. Generally these are around holidays or unique times, such as an expansion to a new forum. Most of the time, a Trainer is able to undertake an event run alongside a normal run—this will be listed in the rules of the event. Event runs happen in the Mission Event RP subforum and a link of past forum events can be seen here, as well as a discussion for future events.

Some events are simple holiday prize threads, such as the Winter Wheel of Fortune, which has valuable Park items up for grabs. Other times, Park items are put into URPG auctions and raffles. Here is a list of all the Park Event items and what they do:

Park Event Items:

Information for Rangers

Ranger Wages
Rangers make money for every post they make, but the amounts change depending on quality. Fleshed-out, interesting, and realistic posts will earn more than rushed or unclear posts. Quality does not equal length, however–Rangers should always aim for clear, concise posts that move the run along.

In-between values can be given, but on average, the Ranger will receive, per post:

Team Runs:
Rangers get double pay plus 500 extra for each post they make, according to the quality of the roleplay posts. Rangers must note which posts are posts made for a Team RP in their logs to ensure Team RP wages are paid. If a Trainer leaves/is escorted from a Team RP and it becomes a normal one, the Ranger’s pay returns to normal. If this happens clearly state which post ends the Team RP so as not to be overpaid.

Encounter Rolls:
At the beginning of any trip into the Park, the Ranger must either a) ask someone from the below list to roll the encounters, then PM all rolls to the Ranger or b) roll the list of encounters themself in the private Park channel and keep the list handy. Rangers aren’t required to have a witness if they roll in the Discord Park channel. If a roll is done for someone who can view the #rangers channel, a notice must be put in the #rangers channel that the encounter has been rolled and a witness listed. If an item such as a Repellent is used, remaining rolls must be redone the same way and posted. Voice Disc rolls are also posted there, though they do not have to be hidden from the player if they are a ranger.

We use a set method for rolling for Pokemon Encounters here at the Park. Rangers will roll a twenty-sided dice to determine rank and then roll for individual Pokemon.

1-9 = Common
10-17 = Uncommon
18-19= Rare
20 = Legend

Also, if a person encounters TWO OR MORE of any single Pokemon, the Ranger can reroll ONE TIME for each of those encounters after the second. So if a trainer is running into two Caterpie, the Ranger can reroll for one of those. These rerolls are final and cannot be re-rolled, even if the same Pokemon is rolled again, because by then, the dice have truly spoken.

When rolling for the Enigma Ruins, it’s often easiest to roll for location before rank.

Battle Statistics:
During a battle, you must include Battle Statistics somewhere in each of your posts. This is akin to how refs post Pokemon stats at the end of every turn.

The following is an example taken from Sam’s Trial Run RP with Yoda:

Scizor: 86.91% [Spe-1][Used Bullet Punch]
Glaceon: 67.96%[Used Blizzard]

Trainer Stats

At the end of each post, Rangers must include the following information:

It can be in any order you want, and you can include other things if you like, but these are the main things you need to keep track of during the RP.

The following is an example of Trainer Stats from Sam’s Trial Run RP with Dragoness:

Originally Posted by Sam

Trainer Stats:
Trainer: Dragon
Location: Mt. Deckbi
Area Effects:
Encounters Remaining: 15

Pokemon Stats:
-Hardy Female Gabite (No EMs, Sand Veil Ability) 100%
-Calm Male Gyarados (TM Fire Blast, Intimidate Ability) 100% <Currently out of Ball / Currently engaged in battle>

Total Items: x2 Full Heal ; x2 Hyper Potion ; x5 Park Balls ; x3 Super Balls ; x1 Hyper Ball
Total Captured Pokemon: n/a

Note: It’s the Ranger’s decision to count encounters before or after each Encounter ends. In this example, Dragoness had encountered a Sandshrew, but you can see the Encounters Remaining is still at 15. This is because the Ranger wasn’t going to subtract an Encounter until after the battle. Do it whichever way is easier for you.

Posting Logs:
Rangers have Logs, just like Refs, which helps those doing Ranger Wages decide how much money each Ranger gets every wages period. Rangers keep logs in their own subforum.

The following info is needed for each Log:

Include a link to the first post of each RP you do, so those doing Ranger Wages don’t have to search through page upon page to track down all your RPs. Every RP you take part in has its own post in your Log. Posts themselves are linked individually for easy tallying and scanning. After each Wages period, edit the Paid Till Here link to show the last post you were paid to. This lets Rangers quickly, easily, and accurately find which post you will start being paid from next Wages period. Some Rangers also strike out posts that have been paid.

The following is an example of a Ranger Log:

Trainer: Bumblebee
Location: Mt. Deckbi (Main)
[ Main Thread ]
Status: Completed

Pokemon Encountered: Diglett, Nosepass, Garchomp, Sandshrew, Rhyperior, Graveller, Heatran, Sandshrew, Geodude, Rhyhorn, Groudon
Pokemon Captured: Rhyhorn

Posts: Post #1, Post #2, Post #3

Paid up til (strike=paid): All ?

You can make your Ranger log however you like as long as we can follow it for doing wages. Feel free to get creative!

Labeling Posts:
All posts made by a Ranger must be labeled with a post #, so they can be easily browsed for wage purposes.

Capture Rate Calculator:
The following will teach you how to operate the relatively simple calculator, as well as detailed information regarding the manual calculation. It will give you insight, and benefit both Rangers and Trainers, since it offers explanations on how the different modifiers affect the capture rate.

>>National Park Capture Rate Calculator

For the “Quality” and “Residual Characters” fields, you will need to put in a number of some kind between 0 and 30, even if it’s 0, or else you won’t get a result.

“Quality” field = Quality Bonus modifier

“Min. Char?” = MCR Met

“Residual Char” = # of characters above/below the MCR the posts are. This number is absolute, so don’t use + or – signs

If the Trainer is under the MCR, put “No” in the “Min. Char?” field and then enter how many characters below they are (so if they are 799 below the MCR, select “No” and then put “799” in the “Residual Char” field).

Capture Rate Modifiers?:
The following are the base rates for Pokemon catching; these are the rates you use if a Pokemon has no status and the Trainer is using a Park Ball:

Basically, you’ll roll a 100-sided die. Depending on the Pokemon’s HP and the number rolled the Pokemon will either be captured or it won’t. For example, if the Pokemon is at 55% HP, its base capture rate is going to be 20%. If you roll 21 or higher the Pokemon is not caught; however, rolling 20 or below will result in it being captured.

*Please note that a Pokemon that is not damaged at all cannot be captured in battle.

There are modifiers that may increase or decrease the chances of a Pokemon being captured. They are Rank Modifiers, Quality Modifiers, Status Modifiers and Ball Modifiers, listed below:

Based on the rank of the Pokemon, it can become more difficult to capture the Pokemon. The common rank is the standard, meaning for Pokemon of the common rank the Rank Modifier doesn’t come into play.

Based on the quality of the Trainer’s posts, the Ranger can add up to a 30% bonus to increase the chance of capture. Also, if the Trainer did poorly, the Ranger can add up to a -30% penalty to decrease the chance of capture.


If a Pokemon is at the 20% base capture rate and becomes Frozen, the chance to catch the Pokemon is increased to 25% (5 is 25% of 20; 5 + 20 = 25).


A Frozen Pokemon with a 20% base capture rate has a Hyper Ball used on it, thus raising the chance of capture to 28% (15% of 20 is 3; 25 + 3 = 28).

Here is a calculator to make it easier to find percentages. Use the first calc (“What is X% of X?”). Always round down if you get any final rates that are decimals (55.25% capture rate would be dropped to 55%).

All capture rolls must be done in the official Park chat on our Discord server. Before rolling, you should state the person’s username, their run type, and their area for searchability. If you are doing a run for a Ranger or similar staff that can see the Park chat, please contact the Head Rangers and they will set up a place for you to roll.

It is worth noting that it is significantly easier to catch Pokemon that have lower health and have status conditions. The lower the health, the easier it is to catch. Also, as the Rank of the Pokemon increases, it becomes harder to catch. Do all you can to a Pokemon before you try to capture it.

Becoming a Ranger

In order to become a Ranger, a Trainer must pass a quiz and a test composed of two parts: a roleplay scenario portion and a practical live portion. The quiz tests basic knowledge to make sure that the applicant has at least read about the Park. This is sent to a Park Head or Elite Ranger. A Trainer cannot take the test until the Quiz has been passed. These answers are objective—there is only one right answer, although explanations can impact answers. Be sure to read and follow the instructions. Trainers will automatically fail if they don’t.

The first part of the test is the scenarios. These test a Trainer’s ability to post as a Ranger according to different post qualities and conditions. Once you pass the scenarios, a Trainer can take the practical test. This consists of knowledge a Ranger must know and understand in order to function as a Ranger. It is not timed, and test-takers are able to look up answers, but too much time can reveal how little the Trainer actually knows about the Park. These answers are more subjective, but explanations can sway answers.

Ranger Qualities:
These are the traits we look for in a Ranger.

  1. Balanced Judgment: We don’t want Rangers to go critical for every tiny flaw in a post the Trainer makes, but we don’t want them overlooking large flaws either. Basically, a true Ranger is equalized and sees things from two sides of the story.
  2. People Person: Rangers should be the ones taking good care of the Park and the Trainers they’re escorting throughout the entire run. They should be friendly and willing to communicate. We don’t them to be the ones causing trouble!
  3. Be a Pokémon: A Ranger must not only be creative but also intuitive in certain cases, as well as playing a wild Pokémon realistically.
  4. Be Active: We do not ask Rangers to be totally active, as everyone gets busy from time to time (like with school or work), but checking in once in awhile would suffice, especially if there’s an event going on. If a Ranger is going to be gone for an extended period of time, they should let their Trainer(s) know, and if the Trainer does not want to wait, hand the run over to another Ranger.
  5. Be Professional: URPG jobs are about more than just virtual money—they are a mark of our ability to create and be organized. When the time arises, we have to act precisely and professionally. Keep in mind that one’s actions can reflect on the whole group.

To be a Ranger:

  1. Take the Ranger Quiz (located below).
  2. Take as much time as needed, do it carefully, and once finished, PM it to a Park Head or Elite Ranger.
  3. Be patient and wait for a reply. Do not consistently pester them to mark the Quiz or anything along those lines. They will get to it and reply with a decision and point out your mistakes.
  4. If it passes, then congratulations! The first portion of the test, the scenarios, can then be taken. After that, the practical is available. It’s wise if the same Park Head or Elite Ranger that passed your Quiz carries out the practical test, but it isn’t required.

If the quiz fails, don’t give up! Like all tests and quizzes, please refrain from speaking to other members about them—if there are any questions, contact the Park Heads or an Elite Ranger.

  1. If both portions of the test are passed, the tester will post in the Promotions & Resignations section of the forum to welcome the newcomer to our Ranger Team. We’re happy to have you as one of us, and we look forward to work with you in the future.

If you are currently an inactive Ranger but would like to be active again, you will be asked to retake a portion of the test. To do so, simply let a Ranger Tester know, and they will give you one scenario to do. Once you pass that, you will be free to take on runs and escort Trainers through the Park!

Ranger Quiz

To be eligible for the Ranger’s scenarios and practical test, all you have to do is pass the Quiz. Please also be reminded to send in both the Question and Answer when done. Please explain your reasoning behind each answer.

**Remember, the Quiz and Test are not to be talked about except with the Testers. If you have a question, contact one of them and they will answer as much as they can.

K’sariya: Available on Discord
VeloJello: Available on Discord
Gold: Available on Discord

Multiple Choice

  1. What is the most important quality of a good post?
    • A) Knowledge of all Pokemon present and their movesets
    • B) Creativity
    • C) Correct grammar and spelling
    • D) Length
  2. What is the MCR of a Rare Pokemon?
    • A) 5,000
    • B) 8,000
    • C) 16,000
    • D) 24,000
  3. What is the required MCR to capture a Pokemon through befriending?
    • A) 1.5x
    • B) 1.2x
    • C) 1.25x
    • D) 1.1x
  4. True or false: a befriended Pokemon does not count toward the 2 Pokemon you can take home from an Endurance Run.
    • True
    • False
  5. Which of the following may possibly happen after a failed capture attempt?
    • A) The Ball falls to the ground and can be retrieved after the battle
    • B) The Ball falls to the ground and cannot be retrieved during the battle
    • C) The Ball rolls away into a river or crevasse and cannot be retrieved
    • D) All of the above
  6. A Pokemon uses Thunder Wave on a Burnt Pokemon in a high-quality post. What happens?
    • A) The Pokemon is Paralyzed in addition to being Burnt
    • B) Paralysis replaces the Burn status
    • C) The Thunder Wave fails
    • D) The Burnt Pokemon is Paralyzed, but only temporarily
  7. What is the range for rolling an Uncommon Pokemon on a d20?
    • A) 1-4
    • B) 8-12
    • C) 10-17
    • D) 1-9
  8. Which of the following moves is the hardest to perform?
    • A) Will-o-Wisp
    • B) Dynamicpunch
    • C) Ice Beam
    • D) Thunder Fang
  9. You’re on a Team Run with Trainer A and Trainer B. Trainer B wants to try and capture one of the Pokemon on Trainer A’s Encounter List. What happens?
    • A) Trainer B can attempt a capture if Trainer A gives him permission to swap encounters
    • B) Trainer B cannot: he can only capture Pokemon on his own Encounter List
    • C) The Pokemon is fair game: whoever succeeds in a capture attempt first gets it.
    • D) The Ranger may swap the Trainers’ Pokemon if Trainer B’s quality is high enough.
  10. True or false: Finishing a run in an area earns Park Mastery in that area that applies to all of a player’s characters.
    • True
    • False

Short Answer

  1. When can a Trainer claim a Pokemon that they’ve captured?
  2. What level of Park Mastery lets a Trainer get a 10% bonus on captures once they’ve met that Pokemon’s MCR?
  3. Give an example of a move that might behave differently in Park than in Battles.
  4. What happens if you roll a duplicate Pokemon while rolling encounters for a run?
  5. What is the only item that can be immediately bought and used during a run?


  1. You’re RPing with your Trainer, and it seems like they haven’t been paying attention to their Sceptile’s careful nature in a fight with a Steelix. Their Sceptile has launched a couple of head-on attacks in a row without any explanation as to the deviation in nature. In their post, they try to have their Sceptile Leaf Blade the Steelix. What happens, and how do you communicate their error to them through cues in the RP?
  2. Your Trainer has an encounter with a hasty Gligar. How do you have it act in the RP that gives clue(s) to its nature to your Trainer?
  3. During a run in Mt. Deckbi, you present a Larvesta to a Trainer, and decide to create a scenario that will allow for a befriending attempt. Give a small example of such a scenario you might create.