Banner by K’sariya

Section Overviews

Main Areas
There are five major sections of the URPG: Battling, writing stories, the National Park roleplay, participating in Contests, and drawing Pokémon.

Battles are the most popular aspect to the URPG, since there is no 4-move limit. Visit the link below to learn everything about Battles.
Reffing Encyclopedia

This is where you write a story to catch Pokémon or earn cash. Visit the link below to learn everything about Stories.
Writing Encyclopedia

National Park
The URPG National Park allows trainers to catch Pokémon by interacting with other trainers and wild Pokémon through roleplaying. The smaller-scale runs are a nice medium for those who are new to RP or writing in general.
National Park Encyclopedia

Contests seem to be a favorite past time among some members. You are a Coordinator, and your aim is to win ribbons. Contest Credits can be earned along with cash, which can be exchanged for Pokémon, TMs, and more!
Judging Encyclopedia

Art Gallery
The Art Gallery lets members have a creative outlet while gaining rewards. Draw art pieces of Pokémon-related subjects and get it curated, and you just might have a chance of capturing the Pokémon that you’ve drawn or earning some cash! Visit the link below to learn more about the Art section.
Art Encyclopedia

Other Areas

Here’s a look at some important threads you might want to look at.

The Ultradex
We have our very own Pokédex. You can use this to check for moves that your Pokémon learn, their evolution stages and methods, abilities, methods of obtaining, and more.
The Ultradex

The Marketplace
You can find all your shopping needs, as well as other different ways to buy items and Pokémon here! This includes The PokéMart, The Underground, and the Auction Room. All wages of the respective sections will also be posted here. For a more detailed description, please visit the Marketplace thread.
Marketplace Board

Trading Machine
Want a better Pokémon? Want to evolve that Machoke into a Machamp? Want to trade away a mon for some items or TMs? Find someone else to trade with.
*Note that giving Pokémon or anything in your stats to another Trainer outside of trades or gift stations is ILLEGAL. You will not be allowed do this.
*Note also that the Trading Machine may be bypassed for trade evolutions with the purchase of a Link Cable.
Trading Machine

These Pokémon can only be won through special contests, tournaments, or defeating the Elite Trainers. Legendary Pokémon can be either temporary or permanent, depending on the circumstances of obtainment. See this page for more information on how to obtain them. Legends will be recorded in the Legend Log.

Trainer’s Court
This is where you can bring a topic up and want judgment on it upon the Moderators and Officials. It’s like a suggestion but for major topics only. You can take crimes to court also. Check the Court Rules on one of the links below before starting a thread.
Trainer’s Court Board

Records, Awards, and Member Respect Hall
If a member accomplished something for doing their part in the URPG history, they get their name here. Also listed with it are the URPG Member’s of the Year awards, which are held every year.
Respect Hall

Apart from the Story Writing Competition, different events and tournaments are held from time to time. Some of these events include URPG Secret Santas, seasonal Auctions, annual URPG Awards, annual Gym Tournaments, and many more. Stay tuned so you don’t miss the fun!

Section-Specific Rules



Hidden Power

Pokémon Specific Rules





National Park



Section and Project Development

URPG has a discussion board that is intended for collaborative work on all aspects of URPG: new sections, events, programs, etc. These projects can be proposed, organized, and worked on by ordinary members and staff alike! The board and the guidelines for this process are located here.

Intellectual Property
Pokémon is the property of Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc., and its Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. URPG claims no jurisdiction over Pokémon character designs and names.

As a creative community, URPG creates concepts that may or may not be able to stand alone from Pokémon. This includes original characters, plots, and ideas created by members within and for the game. We’ve created a few standards for intellectual property (IP) on a community level:

Banner by TheProtobabe

Ultra Staff

This is a list of Staff positions. Section Staff have their own threads which are linked at the end.

Disciplinary Staff
Ash K.

Note that any Staff/Staff Alumni/Content Upkeepers are also Approvers.

Three Teams Members


Content Upkeepers

Game Designers
Ash K.

Section Leaders
Referees – Gold
Graders – evanfardreamer
Judges – Gold
Rangers – K’sariya
Curators – K’sariya and VeloJello
Arbiters – K’sariya

Tournament/Special Event Chairmen
Battles – Gold
Stories – Elrond, evanfardreamer
Park – K’sariya
Contests – Gold
Art – K’sariya and VeloJello
Morphic – K’sariya

*If you want to run a Tournament/Special Event, you must ask one of the above.


Minor offenses (warnings)
Major offenses (warnings; possibility of 1 week chat ban, money penalties)
Critical offenses (immediate chat ban or penalty; possibility of section or URPG bans, forced restarts, etc.)


If you have a problem with another member (cheating; Referees aren’t fair or doing a poor job; Graders too hard; etc…), DO NOT post your complaint in the forum. There will be no arguments, flaming, or fighting in the URPG boards. Please IM messages to talk to the other person, or you can always contact a Moderator/Official and they can help figure a way to deal with it.

Banned Members

These are people who are NOT allowed in the URPG. Some of the ways to get banned: steal the URPG for your own site; causing problems for other members; cheating. Message one of the moderators for all banning problems and concerns.


Pokémon Trainer Red
Abz Rulez / Metagross Fan/ Alakazam 360 / Groudon6_6_6
Blazeiken12 / AquaMeowth
Eb90 /Darkx
Amakiir / Grayling Murdock

Have an idea? A question about one of the rules? Go to the URPG Related Chat thread and post what you have to say. Check the above rules first – your question might already be answered.
URPG General Chat/Questions/Suggestions

Online Chat Room
The URPG makes use of Discord, a web, downloadable client, and mobile app made for communication with gamers in mind. It features both text channels and voice chat. The chats are almost always busy and it’s a great way to meet nearly everyone in the URPG. Please remember this Chat is considered an extension of the forum, so linking to porn or vulgar discussions within it are considered inappropriate. To a lesser extent, we also exist on Skype. The permanent Discord link is here.

Final Words
Now that you have read the rules, or at least glanced at them, you may apply for your starter Pokémon at Starter Requests and begin the fun at The Ultra RPG. Please respect the rules, members, and staff. Enjoy!

Don’t forget to read each forum’s respective rules (whichever you’re active in). Thanks!