Banner by Hushie

Welcome to the Contest section of the URPG. Here you will find a list of general information and rules coordinators may need. Use this knowledge to master your appeals, win ribbons, and dazzle on the contest stage!

Contest Basics

Appeals and Hearts
When contesting, coordinators will constantly come across the terms appeal points and hearts. They are basically the same thing. To get appeal points, simply multiply the number of hearts by 10. The maximum possible appeal a Pokemon can earn at once is 160 appeal points or 16 hearts.

Starting a Contest
To start a contest, visit the Contest Sign-ups thread here or find other members on Discord. Once a Judge agrees to participate, all participants must agree on mode, attribute, rank, and other rules. Private Message your Pokemon and moves to the Judge each turn.

The highest score (or ties for highest, when applicable) at the end of the contest wins money and a ribbon. Use Ribbons to participate in even higher ranked contest to earn even more money and better Ribbons. In addition, the Berry Store here contains Pokemon that can be purchased for Ribbons, Berries, and other Contest Items.

List of Judges

Head Judge

  • Gold

Chief Judges

  • Ash K.
  • ExistentialBeemo
  • Juliorain

Active Judges

  • Ash K.
  • Dash
  • Elrond
  • Eternus Situs
  • Evanfardreamer
  • ExistentialBeemo
  • Fenris
  • Gold
  • Gray Nine
  • Haillys
  • Juliorain
  • K’sariya
  • Mako
  • MandL27
  • Mikey57
  • heltear
  • Rick
  • sambipom
  • Sarah
  • sapahn
  • SinnohEevee
  • VeloJello
  • Voltaire Magneton
  • W32Coravint
  • WinterVines

Past or Inactive Judges

  • AmericanTreeFrog
  • Ataro
  • Ball
  • Buoysel
  • Chainreaction01
  • DarkGardevoir
  • Derian
  • diamondpearl876
  • Dog of Hellsing
  • Eeveedude
  • Feng
  • GhostlyGlaceon
  • Gmandiddy
  • Iridium
  • Jack of Clovers
  • JokesterJesse
  • Lovecraft
  • Mitsuzo-kun
  • Monbrey
  • Mubz
  • Nitro
  • PichuBoy
  • Princess Crow
  • ragnarok0422
  • Sec
  • sheepskinfuton
  • Shock64
  • SiberianTiger
  • Siless
  • SLCalamity
  • Turtwig A
  • WebMaster
  • Xpedential

Passed Judge Quiz

  • BlueTowel
  • Phagocyte
  • Fenris
  • PokeViper

Earnings and Ribbons

Contests pay out differently depending on the rank. First Place wins a ribbon based on the rank and attribute type of the contest. In the case of a tie, the earnings of applicable places are averaged. Note that no ribbons are awarded in case of four-way ties in any rank, as well as three-way ties in Hyper and Master Rank.

Earnings: RSE, DPPt, & ORAS

$4,000 per contest.

Normal Rank/Super Rank
First Place: $4,000 + Ribbon
Second Place: $3,000
Third Place: $2,000
Fourth Place: $1,000

Hyper Rank/Master Rank
First Place: $5,000 + Ribbon
Second Place: $4,000
Third Place: $3,000
Fourth Place: $2,000

Prizes for Festivals
The last 3 places in the festival get $2,500, then for each placement after these initial 3, add $500. The winner makes an extra $1,000, and the Judge will receive the same pay as this.

Additionally, the top 25% of participants (rounded down) in the Festival will receive a ribbon equal to the Festival’s rank (all Festivals are Normal Rank unless approved by the Head of Contests). This ribbon may be of any attribute that was featured in the contest.

Ribbons and Trading
If you are trading away or gifting a Pokémon with Ribbons you earned to another member, those ribbons will be removed from that Pokémon and you will be allowed to keep them in your stats for Berry Store purchasing purposes only. You must keep track of unconsumed Ribbons you get this way in your stats. If you will re-obtain that very same Pokémon, you won’t be able to re-attach its Ribbons even if they’re unconsumed. This rule doesn’t apply for trade-and-trade-backs meant to evolve a Pokémon.


RSE: ORAS: DPPt: Cool Ribbon Sinnoh.png Cool Ribbon Great.png Cool Ribbon Ultra.png Cool Ribbon Master Sinnoh.png
Cool: Normal, Super, Hyper, Master

RSE: ORAS: DPPt: Beauty Ribbon Sinnoh.png Beauty Ribbon Great.png Beauty Ribbon Ultra.png Beauty Ribbon Master Sinnoh.png
Beauty: Normal, Super, Hyper, Master

RSE: ORAS: DPPt: Cute Ribbon Sinnoh.png Cute Ribbon Great.png Cute Ribbon Ultra.png Cute Ribbon Master Sinnoh.png
Cute: Normal, Super, Hyper, Master

RSE: ORAS: DPPt: Smart Ribbon Sinnoh.png Smart Ribbon Great.png Smart Ribbon Ultra.png Smart Ribbon Master Sinnoh.png
Smart: Normal, Super, Hyper, Master

RSE: ORAS: DPPt: Tough Ribbon Sinnoh.png Tough Ribbon Great.png Tough Ribbon Ultra.png Tough Ribbon Master Sinnoh.png

Tough: Normal, Super, Hyper, Master

Note: There is no difference between RSE/DPPt/ORAS ribbons.

Contest Rules

There are several rules coordinators can choose from when they start a contest. Keep in mind that not all rules apply to all types of contests. In a typical contest, the participants must agree on what contest mode, attribute, rank, and rules to use. After these are decided, players can begin selecting their moves. After moves are sent, the Judge judges the turn and posts the stats for the outcome of that turn. Moves are then sent again, and this continues until the end of the contest.

Available Modes:

RSE: A 5-turn contest based on the games that uses combos, jam, nervousness, and a Crowd Meter to score points.
DPPt: A 4-turn contest based on the games that uses appealing to three different judges and a Voltage meter to score points.
ORAS: A 5-turn contest based on the revamped RSE contests featured in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Festivals: An FFA-styled contest that has extended turns and multiple attributes.

Contest Attribute and Rank


There are five diverse choices for Attributes: Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, and Tough. There are also different levels of these attributes, and all coordinators must meet the requirements to have a contest of a higher rank.


Pokémon cannot earn more ribbons of a type than they have of a lower rank and cannot participate in Contests which they cannot earn ribbons from. For example, in order for Alice the Dragonite to participate in a Super Rank Cool Contest, she needs to win a Normal Rank Cool Contest. However, if she already has a Super Rank Cool Ribbon, she can participate in Hyper Rank Cool Contests but needs a second Normal Rank Cool Ribbon to participate in further Super Rank Cool Contests.


Along with the contest modes, there are a couple of optional contest rules. If a rule is not specified to be on, then it is assumed to not be used.

Active Stats: Only applicable in RSE contests under sanctioned tests, meaning a Head or Chief Judge must pre-approve a contest for stats to be used. Stats can be used that have active effects during a contest.
Nervous Clause: Nervous-inducing moves instead have a 0% chance to inflict nervousness on other contestants. Only applicable in RSE or ORAS contests.
OP Combo Clause: Certain Combos instead do not combo with each other. For specifics, check out which Combos are banned on the appropriate move list. Only applicable in RSE or ORAS contests.
Gameboy Clause: Each participant selects up to four moves for each of their Pokemon to use in the contest before it begins.

Move Compatibility

In all forms of contests, move compatibility determines which moves are the most effective. Using the same attribute type of move as the contest is best, but all contest attributes also have two other attributes that are less effective and two that are neutral toward contest results. Sometimes using a matching attribute move can earn a coordinator extra points. All types of contest use the following chart:

Attribute Chart:

1. Cool Contest

Compatible: ToughBeauty
Incompatible: CuteSmart

2. Beauty Contest
Compatible: CoolCute
Incompatible: SmartTough

3. Cute Contest
Compatible: BeautySmart
Incompatible: CoolTough

4. Smart Contest
Compatible: CuteTough
Incompatible: CoolBeauty

5. Tough Contest
Compatible: SmartCool
Incompatible: BeautyCute

Contest Emporium

Welcome to the Contest Emporium!

Have you ever wanted to make your own contest mode? Tired of Nervous and Copies ruining your day? Well come on down! The Contest Emporium allows you to experiment and create your own Contest creations!

The Contest Emporium has three stages of development:

This allows YOU to have an official way to create and experiment new gamemodes of contests, and truly create the URPG Contest Section you wanna see! Additionally, if you just want fun stuff to do in your spare contesting time, you can leave your creation in Stage One indefinitely! Sign up here: Contest Emporium

Moving between stages will be decided by the Chief Judges every two months. These moves will be based on usage as well as fulfillment.

Finally, the following former Contest gamemodes will be offered as “Open Source” modes; People may apply to use them as Stage Ones at any time, as well as any RSE/ORAS variants.

B/W Contests Hub
Active Contest Stats
D/P/Pt Contest Hub

How to Become a Judge

Judges are an important part of the URPG. Judges are absolutely necessary for Contests to function properly. Contests are a good source of income, for both Coordinators and Judges. Additionally, there is a plethora of exciting rewards in the Berry Store that Judges have a steady stream of income to take advantage of. Contests also provide a different experience from battles, and being the only other current form of live content, add a second fun activity bolstered by the presence of Discord. Finally, becoming a Judge has never been more exciting, with new modes and subsections being worked on daily, as well as a variety of current modes to take advantage of.

Note: Judges should be reasonably fast, accurate, have all the information in front of them, ready to answer any question, and most importantly, be respectful of the contest. There is no favoring one coordinator over the other; that is cheating.

Step 1:
You should have a general understanding of how contests work in the URPG. The more modes, the better.

Step 2:
You should familiarize yourself with the information in the Judging Encyclopedia. You should be able to use your resources. Use the move lists when you need to know how each move works when appealed.

Step 3:
Familiarize yourself with the judging formulas, move type compatibility, crowd meter/judge voltage, appeal orders, and contest terms. Most judges know the following, or at least the crux of these, so they can judge accurately and at a relatively fast speed.

Step 4:
Try practice judging by looking at forum contests and see if you can get the same results as the Judge. You can also see if you get the same thing as the Judge in your own contests.

Step 5:
Take the Judge Quiz (located below) for RSE/DPPt/ORAS style.

Step 6:
After you pass one of the Judge Quizzes, you can take the Judge Test for the corresponding mode(s). In the Judge Test, you will have to judge a contest given by a Judge Tester. All you have to do is contact any Judge Tester on Discord or through the forums to be tested. If you fail the Judge Test, you must wait at least 48 hours (at Chief discretion) before taking it again.

If you have any questions about anything about judging or becoming a judge, feel free to contact a Head or Chief Judge.

Judge Quiz

Before you are able take the Judge Test, you must pass the Judge Quiz. There are 32 questions on the Judge Quiz. You must get all of the questions correct to pass.

Once you submit, the Judge Tester will guide you through the answers you did not get. You must PM your answers to an available Judge Tester. They will then send you back the answers that are incorrect. You then respond with your revision of those incorrect answers, and keep doing so until you pass. Nobody except a Judge Tester is able to help you on the Judge Quiz, and you are not able to discuss the Judge Quiz with anyone except a Judge Tester. Any questions about it should be done through PM with one of the Judge Testers.

You will send all answers via PM to any of the following people. Please include question and answer. Assume that clauses which are not specified otherwise are off and other things not mentioned (what the remaining Pokémon did, for instance) have no effect on the answer. Also, please explain answers. For example, if a question asks how many hearts a Pokemon receives, do not just state total amount; state if the hearts come from multiple sources and which sources they are. Only PM to one of the judge testers.

*Ash K: Available
*Juliorain: Available
*Gold: Available
*ExistentialBeemo: Available

General Questions

1. How many rounds do RSE and ORAS contests have?

2. What happens when there is a tie in determining the performance order?

3. What is the appeal score cap?

4. Where are the combo lists located?

RSE Mode

5. A Gallade which has just used Mean Look appeals with Destiny Bond while the crowd meter is at 4 in a Smart Contest. What will Gallade’s score be for that turn?

6. At the beginning of a Beauty Contest, a Blaziken appealed with Blaze Kick, then a Marowak appealed with Bonemerang. What will each of their scores be for that turn?

7. A Blastoise with two condition stars that used Yawn last turn appeals with Rest in a Cute Contest when the Crowd Meter is at 4. Next, Charizard uses Blast Burn. What will Blastoise’s score be for that turn?

8. An Electivire managed to appeal first in the second round of a contest. List three possible reasons to that.

9. An Audino is using Substitute for the third time in a row in a Smart Contest when the Crowd Meter is at 4. Next, Slowking uses Psywave. What will Audino’s score be for that turn?

10. A Blissey is using Hidden Power for the third time in a row in a Smart Contest when the Crowd Meter is at 3. Next, Shaymin uses Seed Flare. What will Blissey’s score be for that turn?

11. A Togekiss had used Baton Pass and made all of the Pokemon appealing after it nervous. Serperior is one of them and it already has two condition stars. What is the chances of Serperior being too nervous to move?

12. A Zangoose with three condition stars that used Slash last turn appeals with Rock Smash in a Tough Contest when the Crowd Meter is at 2. Next, Dragonite uses Dragon Rush. What will Zangoose’s score be for that turn?

13. A Geodude that used Earthquake last turn appeals with Magnitude in a Cute Contest when the Crowd Meter is at 3. Next, Abra uses Psyshock. What will Geodude’s score be for that turn?

14. If a Pokemon goes second in a RSE Contest and uses Attract, all the other Pokemon become Nervous. True or false? Explain why.

15. A Snorlax that had used Protect last turn appeals with Double-Edge in a Smart Contest when the Crowd Meter is at 4. Next, Latios uses Luster Purge. What will Snorlax’s score be for that turn?

16. A Wobbuffet that used Mimic last turn appeals with Destiny Bond in a Cool Contest when the Crowd Meter is at 1. Next, Whimsicott uses Leech Seed. What will Wobbuffet’s score be for that turn?

17. Slowbro is the last appealer for this round, and the total appeal hearts for the previous appealers are as shown. Starmie = 10 Hearts. Chandelure = 2 Hearts. Excadrill = 5 Heart. Slowbro then appeals with Skill Swap in a Smart Contest. What will Slowbro’s score be for that turn?

18: Smeargle is the second appealer and appeals with Sketch in a Tough Contest. However, the first appealer is a Bibarel who has 3 black hearts (jams). What will Smeargle’s score be for that turn?

19. Jirachi that used Draco Meteor last turn uses Doom Desire in a Cool Contest with the Crowd Meter at 3. Next, Regigigas that used Crush Grip last turn appeals with Payback. What will Regigigas’ score be for that turn?

20. This is the third round of a R/S/E Contest, displaying both the total appeal points that the Pokemon has already received, and the hearts that it had just received for the turn (in no particular order). Asterisks represent condition stars. State the order in which they will perform for next turn.

Scyther 13♥ (+10♥ this turn)
Feebas 15♥ (+4♥ this turn)
Skitty 6♥ (+6♥ this turn) [**]
Castform 12♥ (+11♥ this turn)

ORAS mode

25. If a Sylveon uses Captivate in rounds 1, 2, and 3 of a Tough Contest, how many points will it earn each round?

26. Tapu Koko uses Agility in round 1, then Electro Ball in round 2 of a Cool contest. No other Pokemon used an appeal to change appeal order during round 1. How many points does Tapu Koko score each round?

27. An Alolan Ninetales that used Hail last round uses Powder Snow in a Smart contest. How many points does it score?

Judge out the following scenarios and give the round results as if you were judging a real contest. You should be able to provide a neat judging format and stats, along with any side status or conditions in the stats, such as Combo Standby, Condition Stars, or ‘X’ for not being allowed to perform. State the nervous chance, but assume all Pokemon complete their appeal.
Crowd Meter (CM) / Voltage will be given as well.[*] = 1 Condition Star. [**] = 2 Condition Stars. [***] = 3 Condition Stars.

Rules: R/S/E Cool Contest
1st: Porygon2 10♥
2nd: Raichu 8♥
3rd: Alakazam 6♥ [*]
4th: Starmie 4♥
Crowd Meter is at 2.

Appeals: Porygon2 – Lock On; Raichu – Encore; Alakazam – Skill Swap; Starmie – Hyper Beam

Rules: R/S/E Smart Contest
1st: Gengar 8♥ (Combo Standby: Endure)
2nd: Starmie 5♥ [*] (Combo Standby: Surf)
3rd: Milotic 3♥ (Combo Standby: Rain Dance)
4th: Venusaur 0♥ (Used Giga Drain for two times consecutively already)
Crowd Meter is at 4.

Appeals: Gengar – Destiny Bond; Starmie – Dive; Milotic – Hypnosis; Venusaur – Giga Drain

Rules: D/P/P Cool Contest
Current Voltages:
Lead Judge, Dexter [Voltage = 4]
Second Judge, Ash [Voltage = 3]
Third Judge, Giovanni [Voltage = 0]

1st Blaziken 6♥ (Used Focus Energy before this)
2nd Scizor 6♥
3rd Charizard 10♥ (Used Outrage before this)
4th Kangaskhan 10♥ (Used Rage before this)

Appeals: Blaziken – Sky Uppercut on Ash; Scizor – Quick Attack on Ash; Charizard – Outrage on Dexter; Kangaskhan – Dizzy Punch on Giovanni

Rules: ORAS Beauty Contest
1st: Gardevoir 7♥ [**] (Combo Standby: Wish)
2nd: Lurantis 9♥ (Used Weather Ball for three times consecutively already)
3rd: Trevenant 3♥ [*]
4th: Heliolisk 1♥
Crowd Meter is at 2.

Appeals: Gardevoir – Misty Terrain; Lurantis – Weather Ball; Trevenant – Forest’s Curse; Heliolisk – Parabolic Charge

Rules: ORAS Tough Contest
1st: Minun 11♥ (Combo Standby: Charge)
2nd: Seviper 6♥
3rd: Linoone 3♥ [***]
4th: Magcargo 4♥ [*]
Crowd Meter is at 3.

Appeals: Minun – Shock Wave; Seviper – Glare; Linoone – Covet; Magcargo – Shell Smash

Judge Log Info

One of the first things Judges must do once they pass the test is make their judging log in the Contest Results subforum here. There isn’t really a set way to do this, but all logs, regardless of format, should include some key information that can be tracked. As long as those elements are there, Judges are free to come up with whatever crazy styles they want.

What Judges Should Include:

Example Log:

RSE Contest #999

Normal Rank RSE Tough Contest
OP Combo Clause ON
Nervous Clause ON

[Brief contest description here]

Ash K. and Mew win with 24♥, earning $4,000 +  on Mew
Rick and Iris the Rapidash get second with 21♥, earning $3,000
Gold and Gamma the Arceus get third with 14♥, earning $2,000
VeloJello and Kayla the Togekiss get fourth with 4♥, earning $1,000

Gray Nine and Alice the Dragonite judge and gets $3,000
Gray’s all-time Judge Wages: $2,500,000