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Swift is also a Move!!

Discussion in 'Battles' started by swiftgallade46, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  2. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    MLouden03 (W) 1K Vs. PianoManGibb (L) .5K
    First time reffing, woo! ML's Gengar managed to take care of Gibbs' Swellow with tbolt and severely hurt his stouland after some hypnosis Dream Eater combos. Stout managed to KO Gar with some crunches but ML's Meta managed to KO Stout with Bullet Punch for the win.
    ML: Gengar|M|Levitate + Metagross|GL|Clear Body vs. PMG: Stoutland|M|Intimidate + Swellow|F|Guts
    I get 1K ^-^​
  3. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

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    Jun 28, 2013
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    Re: Swiftly Reffed Battles...sorta

    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (L) .5K Vs. AceTrainerLiam (W) 1k
    ML's gengar haxxed Liam's hydreigon till it switched. It only got one crunch in. Afterwards, Starmie came in and cleaned house KOing Gengar with Surf and 2HKOing Dragonite with Ice Beam.
    ML: Gengar|M|Levitate + Dragonite|M|Inner Focus vs. Liam: Hydreigon|M|Levitate + Starmie|GL|Natural Cure
    1K for me

    2v2 | BW | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    AceTrainerLiam (L) .5K Vs. Mlouden03 (W) 1k
    Same trainers; same night; same post. Rule was changed from DPPt to BW b/c of team preview. Liam's Whimisicott set up Light Screen and Leech Seed and was 2HKO'd by ML's Gengar's Sludge Wave. Starmie benefitted from Whimsi's set-ups; it dished out psychic and surf to KO Gengar who Tbolted once in return. Next in was ML's Tyranitar, but Liam had to go and forfeited.
    Liam: Whimsicott|M|Prankster + Starmie|GL|Natural Cure vs. Gengar|M|Levitate + Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream
    I get another 1k​
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2013
  4. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    AceTrainerLiam (W) 1K Vs. Mlouden03 (L) .5K
    Basics battle for ML's Meowth. The absence of sleep clause went unnoticed by Liam which caused his pokes to go to sleep p early. However, his Politoed managed to wake and take down Gengar and Meowth earning the W for Liam. (No pickup)
    Liam: Politoed|M|Drizzle + Jolteon|M|Volt Absorb vs. ML: Gengar|M|Levitate + Meowth|M|Pickup
    I get 1K

    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    AceTrainerLiam (W) 1K Vs. Mlouden03 (L) .5K
    Liam learned his lesson and turned on Sleep clause preventing ML from getting too haxxy. his whimisicott crippled ML's Dnite with Stun Spore and Leech Seed before being KO'd. Hydreigon then came in and finished Dnite off w/ a Work Up-boosted Outrage. Meowth almost KO'd Hydreigon with Fake Out (it was weakened by an Outrage from Dnite) but just barely missed the KO. Hydreigon KO'd Meowth for the win next turn. (No pickup)
    Liam: Whimsicott|M|Prankster + Hydreigon|M|Levitate vs. ML: Dragonite|M|Inner Focus + Meowth|M|Pickup
    I get another 1K​
  5. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    MLouden03 (Lx5) 2.5K Vs. Ash K. (Wx5) 0K (perma)
    ML finished up his basics for Meowth against Ash's Murkrow. Murkrow KO'd Meowth with combinations of Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch, and "Brave Krow". IT also managed to abuse it's ability Super Luck a few times. Meowth tried to strike back with Slash and Fake Out, but it was no match. (No Pickup for any of the five)
    ML: Meowth|M|Pickup vs. Ash: Murkrow|F|Super Luck
    I get 2.5K.​
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  6. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    6v6 | bw | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    AceTrainerLiam (W) 2K Vs. Maxie (L) 1K
    Liam managed to take the W w/o even using all of his pokemon. He took advantage of the mistakes Maxie made such as Wing Attack instead of Acrobatics and Sand Attack with Acc clause on. Still, Maxie did manage to take down Liam's Hydreigon using parafusion. However, his ultimate demise was allowing Whimsicott to set up on him far too much until it stalled out most of his team with leech seed.
    Liam: Whimsicott|M|Prankster + Ludicolo|M|Swift Swim + Politoed|M|Drizzle + Hydreigon|M|Levitate + Starmie|GL|Natural Cure + Kabutops|M|Swift Swim vs. Maxie: Flygon|M|Levitate + Camerupt|M|Magma Armor + Nidoking|M|Poison Point + Quagsire|F|Water Absorb + Ampharos|F|Static + Crobat|M|Inner Focus
    3K for me!​
  7. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Sky Lark (L) 1.5K Vs. PokeViper (W) 3K
    This was a Virbank Gym battle. Lark started off well with Bronzong and Trick Room giving his team the upper hand, but overall PokeViper managed to come back by using A TON of hax from his gengar. The rolls were unlucky for Lark and in the end he forfeited.
    Lark: Bronzong|GL|Levitate + Dragonite|M|Multiscale + Metagross|GL|Clear Body + Togekiss|F|Serene Grace vs. PV: Tentacruel|M|Clear Body + Drapion|M|Sniper + Gengar|M|Levitate + 1 Unsent Pokemon.
    I get 2K for reffing :)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
  8. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    We Taste Pies... (W) 1.5K Vs. Magnesium (L) .75K
    Randoms. Magnesium rolled almost all grass types which gave WTP the advantage after sun was set up and his Jolteon swept with HP Fire. The only non-grass-type MG got was Froslass and it's weak to fire anyway. Before Jolteon began it's HP Fire sweep, it also took out MG's Ludicolo,who was weakened by WTP's Cinccino, with a pair of thunders (in Rain) the first of which got the par.
    WTP: Vaporeon|M|Water Abosorb + Cinccino|F|Skill Link + Jolteon|M|Volt Absorb + 1 unsent Pokemon vs. MG: Sceptile|M|Overgrow + Ludicolo|M|Swift Swim + Leafeon|M|Leaf Guard + Froslass|F|Snow Cloak
    2K for me​
  9. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwing A (L) .75K Vs. Magnesium (W) 1.5K
    Standard 4v4 battle. Staraptor manged to take out MG's Gengar. Turt's nidoking managed to get in some pretty good damage thanks to sheer force making up for slowbro who fainted early on. It was taken down by Kingdra, however who tied with Staraptor. Hitmonlee destroyed Steelix with a pair of Reckless-boosted HJKs, but it fell to Gliscor's Acrobatics giving MG the win.
    Turt: Staraptor|F|Intimidate + Hitmonlee|M|Reckless + Slowbro|M|Own Tempo + Nidoking|M|Sheer Force vs. MG: Gengar|M|Levitate + Kingdra|F|Swift Swim + Gliscor|M|Sand Veil + Steelix|M|Sturdy
    I get 2k​
  10. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (L) .5K Vs. Ash K. (W) 1K
    Ash's Metagross managed to get thru Gengar's hax with zen headbutt to defeat it. It then fell to TTar who earthquaked. Ambipom cleaned up after meta with low kick for the win. No pickup.
    ML: Gengar|M|Levitate + Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream vs. Ash: Metagross|GL|Clear Body + Ambipom|M|Pickup
    I get 1k​
  11. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Elysia (L) .75K Vs. MuddyMudkip (W) 1.5K
    Muddy's Typhlsion was all she needed to sweep. She didnt boost or anything, but Elysia's pokemon weren't EM'd and some had a disadvantage because they werent fully evolved.
    Elysia: Metapod|M|Shed Skin + Murkrow|F|Super Luck + Houndoom|M|Flash Fire + Furret|F|Keen Eye vs. Muddy: Typhlosion|F|Blaze + 3 unsent Pokemon
    1 get 2K​
  12. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    3v3 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    We Taste Pies... (W) 1k Vs. Beldum (L) .5K
    WTP's Porygon2 got the better of Beldum's Dugtrio with Ice Beam and even survived Magnezone for awhile thanks to Pain Split until it was haxxed to death. Lopunny finished off Magnezone with a few Jump Kicks and defeated Dragonite by crippling it with T-Wave and Charm before taking it out with Return.
    WTP: Porygon2|GL|Analytic + Lopunny|F|Limber + 1 unsent Pokemon vs. Beldum: Dugtrio|M|Arena Trap + Magnezone|GL|Sturdy + Dragonite|M|Multiscale
    I get 1.5K​
  13. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Ash K. (W) 1K Vs. Mlouden03 (L) .5K
    ML's meta got the rise with meteor mash and then KOd Mamo with Bullet Punch after taking a single EQ. Blaziken came in and used Swords Dance then swept Metagross and of course Meowth. No pickup.
    Ash: Mamoswine|F|Thick Fat + Blaziken|F|Speed Boost vs. ML: Metagross|GL|Clear Body + Meowth|M|Pickup
    I get 1K​
  14. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

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    Jun 28, 2013
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    3v3 | dppt | Holds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Airik (W) 3K Vs. Princess Crow (L) 1.5K
    Nimbasa Gym Battle. The two fought between Rain and Sun. Airik's Ninetales managed to weaken Porygon-Z before being taken down Tri Attack. Whimsicott didn't see much action. Infernape took out PZ with a Mach Punch and it's Sun and Iron Fist boosted Fire Punches managed to take out Raichu and Eelektross. Airik won a shiny new Bolt Badge and TM Volt Switch.
    Airik: Ninetales|M|Drought + Whimsicott|F|Prankster + Infernape|M|Iron Fist vs. PC: Raichu|F|Static + Porygon-Z|GL|Download + Eelektross|M|Levitate
    I get 1.5K ​
  15. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis (L) .75K Vs. Magnesium (W) 1.5K
    Syn started off strong with Alakazam but was forced to switch into Kangaskhan by Hydreigon's Dragon Tail. Kanga managed to take out Hydrei with Outrage but fell to Gliscor's Sky Uppercut. Leafeon was sent in against zam but it's Leaf Blade was countered causing it to be KO'd. Gliscor finished off zam with a Quick Attack, then U-Turned Lapras to get away from it's type disadvantage. Hitmonlee finished off Lapras with a Reckless-boosted HJK, then took out Gyarados with a lucky crit from Stone Edge.
    Syn: Alakazam|M|Magic Guard + Kangaskhan|F|Early Bird + Lapras|F|Hydration + Gyarados|M|Intimidate vs. MG: Gliscor|F|Hyper Cutter + Hydreigon|M|Levitate + Leafeon|M|Leaf Guard + Hitmonlee|M|Reckless
    I get 2K​
  16. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | bw | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    WinterVines (W) 1.5K Vs. Turtwing A (L) .75K
    Winter started with ambi using it to weaken hitmonlee with fake out then u-turn. She then sent in nape who subbed after an encore. Staraptor came in for Turt but nape was about to give it the ol' sub-focus punch after swords dancing to get rid of it's attack drop from raptor's intimidate. raptor Final gambited breaking nape's sub. nape then defeated hitmonlee by protecting an HJK then using Feint. A pair of Iron Fist boosted Thunder Punches were enough to KO Slowbro who missed with Zen Headbutt and nape used EQ on Nido who KOd it with Earth Power. Ambi came back in and finished up with Fake Out, earning Winter the win.
    Winter: Ambipom|M|Technician + Infernape|F|Iron Fist + Chandelure|F|Flash Fire (unsent) + Ludicolo|F|Swift Swim (unsent) vs. Turt: Hitmonlee|M|Reckless + Staraptor|F|Intimidate + Slowbro|M|Own Tempo + Nidoking|M|Sheer Force
    I get 2k for reffing​
  17. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | No Holds | Sun | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    AceTrainerLiam (Wx10)10K Vs. Turtwing A (Lx10)0K (perma)
    With Sun, Blaze, and higher speed, Torchic was able to 2HKO Togetic each time after recoil from Double Edge. During one battle, Tic decided to try metronome and got Fusion Bol and Twineedle which were kinda funny. It still lost though.
    Liam: Torchic|M|Blaze vs. Turt: Togetic|F|Hustle
    I get a total of 5K​
  18. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | Revo | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Princess Crow (W) 1.5K Vs. Magnesium (L) .75K
    Hannah decided to use only Water-types while MG decided to stick with Flying-Types, so that each of them could prepare for a Gym. MG Chose a bit unwisely in terms of typing, and Hannah took full advantage, nearly KOing Gliscor with her Rotom-Wash right off the bat. Dragonite was then crippled by Will-O-Wisp and Volt Switch and fell to Starmie's Ice Beam. Starmie then took care of Gyarados with a pair of ThunderBolts before finally falling to Charizard's ThunderPunch. It did, however, manage to Rain Dance before getting KOd which allowed Kingdra to enter and sweep with Swift Swim and Waterfall.
    Hannah: Rotom-Wash|GL|Levitate + Starmie|GL|Natural Cure + Quagsire|M|Unaware + Kingdra|F|Swift Swim vs. MG: Gliscor|F|Hyper Cutter + Gyarados|M|Moxie + Charizard|M|Blaze + Dragonite|M|Multiscale
    I get 2K​
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  19. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (W) 1K Vs. Elysia (L) 0K (perma)
    Basic. Luxio just kept hammering away at Metapod until the Cocoon was KOd.
    ML: Luxio|M|Intimidate vs. Elysia: Metapod|F|Shed Skin
    I get .5K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (Wx4) 5K Vs. Elysia (Lx4) 0K (perma)
    Basics. ML just kept KOing Magikarp with Wild Charge. Nothing too outstanding.
    ML: Luxio|M|Intimidate vs. Elysia: Magikarp|F|Swift Swim
    I get 2K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (L) .5K Vs. Elysia (W) 0K (perma)
    Basic. Metapod defeated Poochyena with a series of Bug Bites.
    ML: Poochyena|M|Run Away vs. Elysia: Metapod|F|Shed Skin
    I get .5K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (W) 1K Vs. Elysia (L) 0K (perma)
    Basic. Poochyena KOd karp with some Crunches after getting hit by a few harmless Tackles.
    ML: Poochyena|M|Run Away vs. Elysia: Magikarp|F|Swift Swim
    I get .5K​
  20. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Elysia (L) .75K Vs. MuddyMudkip (W) 1.5K
    Serp KOd Evire after some contrary-boosted leaf storms. it then fell to Gengar's sludge bomb after dealing some massive damage. Krow taunted Gar making it switch out. Zebstrika came in and Krow switched out to Elysia's TTar. Zeb dealt some damage to TTar but then it switched in to swampert. Pert KOd TTar with EQ but fell to Infernape's HP Grass. Infernape then took out Gengar but fell to Zebstrika who also managed to take out murkrow.
    Elysia: Murkrow|M|Prankster + Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Serperior|F|Contrary + Infernape|M|Blaze vs. Muddy: Gengar|M|Levitate + Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Zebstrika|M|Lightningrod + Swampert|M|Torrent
    I get 2K​