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Swift is also a Move!!

Discussion in 'Battles' started by swiftgallade46, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain
    DarknessRuler: (L) .5K Vs. Turtwing A: (W) 1K
    Turt began with Sceptile while Dark started with Gengar. Gengar's Hypnosis failed after a Safeguard from Sceptile. Sceptile then got in a pair of Night Slashes while Gengar Shadow Ball'd twice. Gengar Sucker Punched before being KO'd by Pursuit. Pikachu came in and was hit by a Quick Attack before KOing Sceptile with its own Quick Attack. Raichu was next for Turt and it used Sub as Pikachu Double Teamed. Pikachu Double Teamed twice more and Agilitied once as Raichu Nasty Plotted twice and used Rain Dance. A +4 SpA Thunder was too much for Pikachu to take, and it was KOd despite its Double Team due to Thunder having 100% accuracy in Rain.
    Turt: Sceptile|M|Overgrow + Raichu|F|Static vs. Dark: Gengar|M|Levitate + Pikachu|F|Static
    I get 1K

    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain
    DarknessRuler: (W) 1K Vs. Turtwing A: (L) .5K
    It began as Dark's Gengar versus Turt's Ninjask. Ninjask Protected an Subbed to get its Speed up and Gengar broke the Sub right away with a Sludge Bomb. Ninjask then Swords Danced, got hit with a Sludge Bomb, And Baton Passed to Luxray who was immediately put to sleep. Gengar Nightmared and Shadow Ball'd. Luxray, unfortunately, stayed asleep for three turns which was enough to KO it from Nightmare and a Sludge Bomb. Gengar then took a Night Slash from Ninjask before ending the battle with a Shadow Ball.
    Dark: Gengar|M|Levitate + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Turt: Ninjask|M|Speed Boost + Luxray|M|Intimidate
    I get 1K​
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2013
  2. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    6v6| Revo | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis: (W) 2K Vs. Maxie: (L) 1K
    Syn began with Ambipom against Maxie's Tyranitar. Ambi Honed its Claws and took a Rock Slide before OHKOing Ttar with a 120 Base Power Low Kick. Machamp came in and took a Double-Edge before KOing Ambi with a DynamicPunch. Jynx came in next and KOd Machamp with a Psychic. Houndoom was up. It lost the speed tie, however, and Jynx used Rain Dance to survive a Flethrower. It was Burned as well, but Dry Skin healed off that damage. Houndoom won the next speed tie, and KOd Jynx with Dark Pulse. Lapras cam in for Syn and Dragon Danced as Maxie switched in to his Ampharos. A Waterfall and a Bulldoze were just barely not enough to KO Amphy, and Lapras 2HKOd by Thunder which had 100% accuracy. Darmanitan finished off Amphy with an Incinerate, and Maxie sent in Flygon. As Flygon used Dig, Syn switched out to Snorlax, and then again to Sigilyph against whom Dig failed. Sigi then Tail Winded as Maxie switched in his Houndoom. Syn switched in his Snorlax who took a Dark Pulse, then EQ'd. Houndoom fired back with a Flame Charge, but it switched out to Flygon once more and Flygon immediately took a Body Slam. It then hit Snorlax with a Superpower, but another Body Slam paralyzed it, and a third one KOd. Houndoom came back in, managing to get in a Sucker Punch before also falling victim to Snorlax's fat-ass Body Slam. Serperior came in, but instead of going straight for the KO, it used Attract first which cost it some HP from a Body Slam. It then Leaf Stormed Snorlax away and raised its Special Attack sharply thanks to Contrary. However, Serperior's sweeping potential was short lived as Darmanitan came in and got past Attract to KO with a Sheer Force boosted Flare Blitz, thus winning the battle for Syn.
    Syn: Ambipom|M|Technician + Jynx|F|Dry Skin + Lapras|M|Hydration + Darmanitan|M|Sheer Force + Snorlax|M|Thick Fat + Sigilyph|F|Magic Guard vs. Maxie: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Machamp|M|No Guard + Houndoom|M|Early Bird + Ampharos|F|Static + Flygon|M|Levitate + Serperior|F|Contrary
    I get 3K​
  3. Turtwig A

    Turtwig A Stumped

    Blog Posts:
    Nov 6, 2010
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    4v4| Revo | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis: (W) 1.5K Vs. Elamite: (L) .75K
    I logged this for swift as an unbiased participant because he had to go.
    Syn: Ambipom|M|Technician + Froslass|F|Snow Cloak + Jellicent|M|Water Absorb + Jumpluff|M|Chlorophyll vs. Elamite: Heracross|F|Moxie + Butterfree|F|Compoundeyes | Accelgor|M|Hydration + Mr. Mime|F|Filter
    Swift gets 2K
  4. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    DarknessRuler: (L) .5K Vs. Airik: (W) 1K
    Dark began with Raichu against Airik's Dugtrio. Dugtrio defeated Raichu with an Earthquake and a Sucker Punch, taking only a single Iron Tail in the process. (It was, however, Paralyzed by Static.) Gengar came in and Shadow Balled as Dugtrio Night Slashed. Dugtrio then hit Gengar with a Sucker Punch before being KOd by another Shadow Ball. Excadrill was next for Airik. It took a Shadow Ball before KOing Gengar with Shadow Claw.
    Dark: Raichu|M|Static + Gengar|M|Levitate vs. Airik: Dugtrio|M|Arena Trap + Excadrill|M|Sand Force
    I get 1K​
  5. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2+2v2+2 | Revo | Tag Battle | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses

    @Synthesis; and @DarknessRuler; : (W) 1K Vs. @Elamite; and @mlouden03; : (L) .5K

    Tag Battle. A great match that was fun to ref. Smores and Mlouden went with what was mostly a Rain team, while Syn and DR used an assortment of random Pokemon who also happened to benefit from Rain. On turn 1, Lapras Protected itself from Electivire's Thunder as Salamence Earthquaked away. Politoed then hit Salamence with an Ice Beam. Salamence used EQ once more, KOing Electivire before it had the chance to move. Lapras switched out to Dragonite, against whom Politoed's Encore failed. Gengar Shadow Balled Salamence which knocked it out before it could knock out Politoed with a Dragon Claw, and Politoed Ice Beamed Dragonite, who took the first hit nicely thanks to Multiscale. Both DR and Mlouden had Gengar out on the field, so they Shadow Balled each other as Dragonite KOd Politoed with a Dragon Claw. The next turn was the funny one. Mlouden originally sent Sucker Punch which would have failed against the Protect that DR's Gengar was originally going to use. However, both of them decided to change moves at the SAME TIME and attack Kabutops (who had replaced Politoed) and Dragonite respectively. It was a mistake they both soon regretted, but it wasn't the only coincidence this turn was going to see. Immediately, Kabutops knocked out DR's Gengar with an Aqua Jet before it could Thunderbolt, and Dragonite did the same to Mloud's Gengar using--you gussed it--Aqua Jet, before it could use Icy Wind. Kabutops' first Stone Edge missed its mark, causing tops to feel the hurt from a 100% accuracy Thunder, but the second time was the charm, and Dragonite was KOd by the next Stone Edge. Lapras came in. It was down to the last Pokemon for both teams. Frankly, I was surprised it had come this close. In order to win, Kabutops needed to hit with Stone Edge, but it also needed a Critical Hit. Unfortunately, that didn't happen (when does it ever?) and, although Stone Edge hit, it wasn't enough to KO Lapras who defeated Kabutops with a Thunderbolt.

    Syn: Dragonite|M|Multiscale + Lapras|M|Hydration; DR: Salamence|M|Intimidate + Gengar|M|Levitate vs. Smores: Politoed|M|Drizzle + Kabutops|M|Swift Swim ; Mlouden: Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Gengar|M|Levitate

    I get 2K​
  6. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4| dppt | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Maxie: (L) 1.5K Vs. Synthesis: (W) 3K
    Mistralton Gym battle. Maxie began with Tyranitar who brought Sand with it, while Syn began with Gliscor. Gliscor Rock Polished, dodged a Stone Edge, and Swords Danced. Tyranitar switched to Charizard. Gliscor Subbed, but it was immediately broken by a Flare Blitz from zard. Gliscor then Baton Passed to Gyarados who took a Flare Blitz as well. Gyarados threatened to Waterfall, so Maxie switched in his Quagsire who had Water Absorb. Gyarados Subbed causing Quagsire's Yawn to fail. It then used Earthquake, but Maxie switched back into Charizard. Charizard used Slash, but Gyara's Sub held giving it the chance to Dragon Dance. Charizard was KO'd by a Waterfall next turn, triggering Moxie. Ampharos was sent out, but it was OHKO'd by an Earthquake before it could use Magnet Rise. Moxie activated again, and in came Quagsire again. Quagsire used Amnesia, but it didn't do much of anything, and Earthquake 2HKO'd it with Moxie activating again. Gyarados then finished off Maxie's team by OHKOing Tyranitar with Waterfall.
    Maxie: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Charizard|F|Blaze + Quagsire|F|Water Absorb + Ampharos|F|Static vs. Syn: Gliscor|M|Sand Veil + Gyarados|M|Moxie + 2 Unsent Pokemon
    I get 2K​
  7. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Blue Towel: (W) 1.5K Vs. Maxie: (L) .75K
    Blue's Magcargo swept. It began by using Yawn on Crobat after taking an Astonish, then it Shell Smashed after burning Crobat with Flame Body due to Poison Fang making contact. Crobat switched out to Quagsire, and Magcargo used Yawn. Magcargo then used Substitute as Quasire Earthquaked, which broke the sub. Quag then fell asleep giving Magcargo the chance to Shell Smash again. Cargo threatened with Flamethrower, so Quag switched out to Houndoom, who felt nothing thanks to Flash Fire. However, asingle AncientPower was enough to KO it next turn, and cargo got the rise. It OHKO'd Archeops and Crobat with AncientPower, and 2HKO'd Quagsire with Flamethrower.
    Blue: Magcargo|M|Flame Body + 3 Unsent Pokemon vs. Maxie: Crobat|M|Inner Focus + Quagsire|F|Water Absorb + Houndoom|M|Flash Fire + Archeops|M|Defeatist
    I get 2K

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
  8. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4| dppt | Helds On | Rain | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Nitro: (W) 2K Vs. Maxie: (L) 1.5K
    Pastoria Gym Battle. Unfortunately, I waited too long to log this battle (school and stuff) and don't remember the exact details of what happened, but Nitro's Tentacruel managed to KO Houndoom early with Hydro Pump, and get past confusion to KO Crobat with the same thing. Gyarados and Swampert were enough to take down Serperior and Ampharos respectively with Earthquake and some Dragon Dance boosted Ice Fangs.
    Nitro: Tentacruel|M|Clear Body + Gyarados|M|Moxie + Swampert|F|Torrent + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Maxie: Houndoom|M|Early Bird + Serperior|F|Contrary + Ampharos|F|Static + Crobat|M|Inner Focus
    I get 2K​
  9. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    3v3| dppt | No Holds | Rain | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Sky Lark: (W) 2K Vs. Turtwig A: (L) 1.5K
    Mauville Gym Battle. Another battle that I couldn't log right away because of sleep (apparently that's a necessity now?) and school etc. (excuses) So no detailed log here... Lark's Dragonite did much of the work, with Dugtrio following a close second due to it's help in KOing Electivire. Lanturn didn't do very much, but I suppose Volt Absorb would have come in handy. It also broke a Sub. Yay Lanturn! :3 Anyhow, Lark won so he gets a TM Volt Switch and a shiny new Dynamo Badge! Enjoy!
    Lark: Dugtrio|M|Arena Trap + Dragonite|M|Multiscale + Lanturn|F|Volt Absorb vs. Turt: Raichu|F|Static + Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Eelektross|M|Levitate
    I get 1.5K​
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
  10. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2| dppt | No Holds | Rain | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva/Species/Legend Clauses
    Turtwig A: (L) 1.5K Vs. MuddyMudkip: (W) 6K (Gym Voucher used)
    Mauville Gym Battle. Rotom-Wash took out half of Gallade's HP with a Rain boosted Hydro Pump, then lost over half of its own HP from Leaf Blade. Predicting a KO, Gallade used Shadow Sneak next turn, but Hydro Pump missed. Another Shadow Sneak was used next turn, but this time Hydro Pump KO'd. Dragonite came in next for Muddy and finished off Rotom-Wash with an ExtremeSpeed before it could use Volt Switch. Raichu was next for Turt. First it used Fake Out while Dragonite flinched, then it managed to Paralyze Dragonite with a Thunder. However, Dragonite got passed Paralysis and hit it with a Drgaon Claw. Thunder hit its 100% accuracy mark again next turn, but Dragonite was, once again, unfazed by Paralysis, and it KO'd Raichu with another Dragon Claw. Muddy earns 2 TM Volt Switches (Thanks to her Gym Voucher) and a shiny new Dynamo Badge!
    I get 1K​
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
  11. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (L) 0.75K Vs. Maxie: (W) 1.5K
    Maxie began with Nidoking who double Toxic Spikes'd Swoobat, allowing it to set up a pair of Simple-boosted Calm Minds. Nidoking was then ohko'd by a Stored Power. Crobat came in and confused Swoobat with Confuse Ray. It also got rid of Swoobat's stat boosts with Haze. Unfortunately for Swoobat, it got very unlucky and smacked FOUR TIMES preventing it from U-Turning into Turt's Nidoking. Eventually, Swoobat was KO'd from a combination of smacking, and a Bite and pair of Acrobatics from Crobat. Nidoking came in and absorbed Toxic Spikes. It smacked twice after being hit by Confuse Ray, but it managed to get in a Sheer Force boosted Ice Beam before Crobat switched out to Machamp. Machamp took a Poison Jab, and delivered a pair of DynamicPunches. Nidoking used Earth Power, but was inevitably KO'd by a Revenge from Machamp. Slowbro came in and set up a Trick Room as Machamp switched out to Serperior. Serperior tried to use Attract, but Slowbro switched out to Turt's female Raichu and it failed. Raichu tried to Encore, but Serperior switched out to Machamp again. Machamp DynamicPunched, but Slowbro came back in and was immune to being confused due to Own Tempo. It used Flamethrower, and Machamp used DynamicPunch again. Machamp then hit Slowbro with a Seismic Toss as it used Trick Room again. Slowbro KO'd Machamp and Serperior was sent back out. Serperior was hit by Flamethrower, but it KO'd with Leaf Storm and Contrary caused its Special Attack to sharply rise. Serperior managed to get Raichu down to its last sliver of health before being KO'd by a pair of Signal Beams. Crobat then came in and finished off Raichu with a Swift.
    I get 2K​
  12. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Maxie: (L) .5K Vs. GWrando: (W) 1K
    Rando began with Bisharp against Maxie's Serperior. Serperior used Reflect and took an Iron Head. It then used Leaf Storm and took a Metal Burst. Serperior switched out to Houndoom next turn, causing Metal Burst to fail. Houndoom used Flame Charge, and Rando switched into his Ampharos. Houndoom then used Flamethrower and was Paralyzed by a ThunderWave. Ampharos then fired off a few Electro Balls as Houndoom used Flamethrower a few times, only being fully paralyzed once. Eventually, Amphy was KO'd by a Flamethrower, but Houndoom was quickly taken out by an Iron Head from Bisharp. Bisharp then took out Serperior with a pair of Iron Heads, while only taking damage from a Giga Drain in the process.
    I get 1K​
  13. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    6v6| Revo | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Airik: (L) 0.75K Vs. Mlouden03: (W) 1.5K
    Only a max of 4/6 were sent before Airik forfeited so pay is based on 4v4. Battle began with Infernape against M's Gengar who Psychic'd as Stealth Rocks were set up. Mandibuzz switched in and Psychic failed. Gengar's Thunderbolt, then paralyzed Mandibuzz who was fully paralyzed that turn. Mandibuzz did manage to get in a Dark Pulse, but another Thunderbolt and a Shadow Ball were enough to KO it. Excadrill came in and took a Focus Blast before KOing Gengar with an Earthquake that hit thanks to Mold Breaker. Electivire was next up, and it KO'd Excadrill with an EQ of its own. Whimsicott was sent out, and it Encored Electivire into Earthquake. It EQ'd four more times as Whimsicott used Cotton Guard twice, and Encored again. Finally, Mloud switched in his Tyranitar who was Toxiced, but Airik forfeited.
    Airik: Infernape|M|Iron Fist + Mandibuzz|F|Overcoat + Excadrill|M|Mold Breaker + Whimsicott|M|Prankster + Jellicent|M|Water Absorb (unsent) + Jolteon|F|Volt Absorb (unsent) vs. Mloud: Gengar|M|Levitate + Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Metagross|GL|Clear Body (unsent) + Dragonite|M|Multiscale (unsent) + Blastoise|M|Torrent (unsent)
    I get 2K​
  14. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | Helds On | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (Wx7) 7K Vs. SkyLark: (Lx7) 3.5K
    Basics. Tangela took a Bug Bite each time, but 2HKO'd with AncientPower.
    Turt: Tangela|F|Regenerator vs. Lark: Wurmple|M|Shield Dust --> Cascoon|M|Shed Skin
    I get 3.5K​
  15. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Ash K.: (Lx5) 2.5K Vs. SkyLark: (Wx5) 5K
    Basics. Horsea tried to win by flinching with Waterfall/Twister, but it couldn't succeed and Shroomish's Giga Drain 2HKO'd each time.
    Ash: Horsea|M|Swift Swim vs. Lark: Shroomish|F|Effect Spore
    I get 2.5K​
  16. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (Wx2)(Lx1) 2.5K Vs. GWrando: (Wx1)(Lx2)
    Basics. Archen 2HKO'd with Rock Slide each time, but during one battle it smacked twice from Swagger and was taken down by Sky Attack.
    Mloud: Archen|M|Defeatist vs. GWrando: Tranquill|M|Super Luck
    I get 1.5K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (Wx3)(Lx1) 3.5K Vs. GWrando: (Wx1)(Lx3) 2.5K
    Basics. Archen usually 2HKO'd with Rock Slide, but it missed once and was 2HKO'd by Blizzard and Ice Beam instead.
    Mloud: Archen|M|Defeatist Vs. GWrando: Snorunt|F|Inner Focus
    I get 2K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    @mlouden03;: (L) 0K (perma) Vs. GWrando: (W) 1K
    Basic. Snorunt 3HKO'd with Ice Beam. Mlouden's Meowth activated its PickUp successfully after this battle.
    Mloud: Meowth|M|PickUp vs. GWrando: Snorunt|F|Inner Focus
    I get 0.5K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (Wx2) 0K (perma) Vs. GWrando: (Lx2) 1K
    Basics. Pikachu 3HKO'd with two Thunders and a Thundershock each time. Snorunt used Ice Beam and, occasionally, Blizzard, but it never successfully froze Pikachu.
    Mloud: Pikachu|M|Static vs. Gwrando: Snorunt|F|Inner Focus
    I get 1K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (Wx10) 10K Vs. GWrando: (Lx10) 5K
    Basics. Chikorita/Bayleef 2HKO'd with Magical Leaf each time due to Sturdy. Geodude/Graveler used either Magnitude or Stone Edge, but Stone Edge never scored a Critical Hit. Once Chikorita evolved, however, a Critical Hit would not even have KO'd anyway.
    Mloud: Chikorita|M|Overgrow --> Bayleef|M|Overgrow vs. GWrando: Geodude|M|Sturdy --> Graveler|M|Sturdy
    I get 5K​
  17. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (W) 1K Vs. Maxie: (L) .5K
    Gengar used Focus Blast and Crobat used Acrobatics.
    Mloud: Gengar|M|Levitate + Crobat|M|Inner Focus vs. Maxie: Houndoom|M|Early Bird + Serperior|F|Contrary
    I get 1K

    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (W) 1K Vs. Maxie: (L) .5K
    Gengar swept with Focus Blast and Giga Drain.
    Mloud: Gengar|M|Levitate + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Maxie: Rampardos|M|Mold Breaker + Lanturn|F|Volt Absorb
    I get 1K

    4v4| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (W) 1.5K Vs. Maxie: (L) .75K
    Gengar took out Crobat with some Tbolts, then Serperior with some Sludge Waves. Houndoom took it, but was defeated by Tyranitar. Flygon defeated Ttar, then was taken down by Dragonite.
    Mloud: Gengar|M|Levitate + Tyranitar|M|Sandstream + Dragonite|M|Multiscale + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Maxie: Crobat|M|Inner Focus + Serperior|F|Contrary + Houndoom|M|Early Bird + Flygon|M|Levitate
    I get 2K​
  18. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (W) 1.5K Vs. Turtwig A: (L) .75K
    Garchomp's Fire Fang burned Tangrowth and Dragon Rush did more damage than Raichu could handle. Crobat came in and finished off Tangrowth.
    Mloud: Garchomp|M|Sand Veil + Crobat|M|Inner Focus vs. Turt: Raichu|F|Static + Tangrowth|F|Regenerator
    I get 1K

    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (L) .75K Vs. Turtwig A: (W) 1.5K
    Swoobat boosted with Calm Mind then took out Gengar with Psychic. Jolteon came in and took out Swoobat with Thunder, then was taken out by Nidoking with Earth Power and Ice Beam.
    Mloud: Gengar|M|Levitate + Jolteon|M|Volt Absorb vs. Turt: Swoobat|M|Simple + Nidoking|M|Sheer Force
    I get 1K​
  19. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | Revo | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Elamite: (W) 1.5K Vs. GWRando: (L) .75K
    Pinsir was paralyzed by Ampharos, but took it out with Earthquake. Unfezant took out Pinsir, and then it used Swagger on Weavile. Weavile smacked, but then it snapped and swept from there with Ice Punch, Brick Break, and Night Slash.
    Elamite: Pinsir|M|Mold Breaker + Weavile|M|Pressure + Cofagrigus|F|Mummy (unsent) + Heracross|M|Swarm (unsent) vs. GWRando: Ampharos|M|Static + Unfezant|M|Super Luck + Bisharp|F|Inner Focus + Froslass|F|Snow Cloak
    I get 2K​
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2013
  20. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | Revo | No Weather | Snow Terrain | Sleep/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1.5K Vs. Maxie: (L) .75K
    Blaziken tried to set up a sweep for Galvantula, but was thwarted by Serperior and Houndoom. Galvantula did manage to take down Mamoswine, and Blaziken defeated Ampharos and Serperior, but recoil took out Blaziken's last remaining HP. Raichu came in and finished off Houndoom for the win.
    Turt: Blaziken|M|Speed Boost + Galvantula|F|Compoundeyes + Raichu|F|Static + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Maxie: Serperior|F|Contrary + Mamoswine|M|Snow Cloak + Houndoom|M|Early Bird + Ampharos|F|Static
    I get 2K​
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013