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Swift is also a Move!!

Discussion in 'Battles' started by swiftgallade46, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1K Vs. GliscorMan: (L) .5K
    The battle began with Staraptor against Galvantula. Galvantula Charge Beam'd, but Electivire switched in and absorbed it, raising its speed. Electivire then hit Galv with a Fire Punch, and took a Bug Buzz. Scrafty switched in and took a Screech. Electivire 2HKO'd Scrafty with a Brick Break, but it took a Payback in the process. Galvantula came back in and tried to finish off Electivire with a Sucker Punch, but vire survived and KO'd Galv with another Fire Punch.
    Turt: Staraptor|F|Intimidate + Electivire|M|Motor Drive vs. Gman: Galvantula|M|Compoundeyes + Scrafty|M|Moxie
    I get 1K​
  2. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1K Vs. Maxie: (L) .5K
    Tangrowth managed to paralyze Flygon on the second try after missing once. Flygon continuously Fire Punched until Tangrowth was burned, and managed to KO it eventually. However, it had taken damage from several Giga Drains, and was in weak condition when Blaziken came out. Blaziken used Bulk Up as Flygon Hyper Beam and recharged. It then easily KO'd Flygon with a Quick Attack. Lanturn came, but Hi Jump Kick OHKO'd it before it could do a thing.
    Turt: Tangrowth|F|Regenerator + Blaziken|M|Speed Boost vs. Maxie: Flygon|M|Levitate + Lanturn|M|Volt Absorb
    I get 1K​
  3. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Blue Towel: (W) 1.5K Vs. Airik: (L) .75K
    Blue's Walrein managed to heal itself from Blastoise's Zap Cannons with Rest, while whittling away at it with Blizzard, Body Slam, and Hail damage. It healed off damage from Power Whip from Ferro, and KO'd it with a couple Blizzards. It also Defense Curled twice which allowed it to take out Wormadam and Bellosom with Ice Ball.
    BT: Walrein|F|Ice Body + 3 Unsent Pokemon vs. Airik: Blastoise|M|Torrent + Wormadam (Plant)|F|Overcoat + Bellossom|F|Chlorophyll + Ferrothron|M|Iron Barbs
    I get 2K​
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  4. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    5v5| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1.5K Vs. Maxie: (L) .75K
    Maxie lost due to Blaziken who essentially swept half his team. It KO'd Lanturn with a Hi Jump Kick after it had been weakened, and Baton Passed some Sped to Quagsire who KO'd Houndoom with an Earthquake. Haxorus was Paralyzed early on by Tangrowth, making it easy pickings for Blaziken who KO'd it with a Double Kick after it was weakened by Tangrowth. Serperior was burned by Blaziken's Fire Punch and was eventually after trying to stall Swoobat. Crobat was weakened by Slowbro's Psychic, and defeated by Blaziken's Flare Blitz.
    Turt: Slowbro|M|Own Tempo + Blaziken|M|Speed Boost + Quagsire|F|Water Absorb + Tangrowth|F|Regenerator + Swoobat|M|Simple vs. Maxie: Haxorus|M|Mold Breaker + Lanturn|M|Volt Absorb + Houndoom|M|Early Bird + Serperior|F|Contrary + Crobat|M|Inner Focus
    I get 2.5K​
  5. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1K Vs. GWRando: (L) .5K
    Electivire 2HKO'd Amphy with EQ and was taken out by Golem's EQ. Venusaur 2HKO'd Golem with Petal Dance.
    Turt: Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Venusaur|M|Chlorophyll vs. GW: Ampharos|M|Static + Golem|M|Sturdy
    I get 1K​
  6. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Voltaire Magneton: (Lx7) .5K (perma) Vs. Elysia: (Wx7) 7K
    Basics. Staryu 2HKO'd with Bubblebeam each time despite a Close Combat and Mach Punch from Monferno.
    VM: Monferno|M|Blaze vs. Elysia: Staryu|GL|Natural Cure
    I get 3.5K

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
  7. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4| RSE | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    @EmmySCx; : (W) 1.5K Vs. Maxie: (L) .75K
    Randoms. Rampardos Head Smashed Camerupt but was KO'd by a combination of recoil and an Earthquake. Crobat came in and finished off Camerupt with an Acrobatics. Zigzagoon came in a Belly Drum'd after a Confuse Ray, but another Acrobatics took it out next turn as well. Next up for Emmy was Golem who got confused from Confuse Ray too. However, it wasn't fazed and KO'd Crobat with a Heavy Slam, followed by a Stone Edge. Crobat did manage to lower Golem's Defenses by Screeching before it went down, but this never actually came into play as Dragon-type moves are all Special in RSE clause. Charizard came in next for Maxie, and Dragon Clawed Golem before also falling to a Stone Edge. Finally, Haxorus came in and Outraged Golem before taking huge damage from Selfdestruct. Espeon was Emmy's last Pokemon. It Psychic'd, then took an Outrage. Haxorus was then KO'd by the most powerful force known to man and Pokemon: Swift. Yeah. That's right. Be afraid. Emmy's Zigzagoon successfully activated its PickUp.
    Emmy: Camerupt|M|Solid Rock + Zigzagoon|M|PickUp + Golem|M|Sturdy + Espeon|M|Synchronize vs. Maxie: Rampardos|M|Mold Breaker + Crobat|M|Inner Focus + Charizard|M|Blaze + Haxorus|M|Rivalry
    I get 2K​
  8. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6| Revo | Doubles | No Holds | No Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Maxie: (L) 1K Vs. Elysia: (W) 2K
    It came close with just Alakazam and Haxorus being left on the field, but Alakazam managed to pull through with Reflect and a few Psychics after Haxorus smacked a few times from Outrage fatigue. It wouldn't have come so close, but my dice were being mean to Elysia and she received two 10% status conditions: one Burn from a Flamethrower and 1 Paralysis from a Thunder Fang. Sand also played a huge role in whittling down the HP of the Pokemon on the field, and it was the key factor in KOing a few Pokemon such as Elysia's Chandelure and Murkrow, and Maxie's Houndoom.
    Maxie: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Nidoking|M|Poison Point + Crobat|M|Inner Focus + Houndoom|M|Early Bird + Serperior|M|Contrary + Haxorus|M|Mold Breaker vs. Elysia: Starmie|GL|Natural Cure + Murkrow|M|Prankster + Serperior|F|Contrary + Houndoom|M|Flash Fire + Chandelure|F|Flash Fire + Alakazam|M|Magic Guard
    I get 3K​
  9. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    3v3| RSE | No Holds | Fog | Snowy Terrain
    Felly: (L) .75K Vs. Turtwig A: (W) 1.5K
    Swoobat took out Tentacruel with a Simple-Calm Mind boosted Stored Power and a Shadow Ball, taking two Icy Winds (a third one missed) and a Giga Drain that it switched out into. Its Sub was broken by a ThunderPunch from Machamp who was then OHKO'd by a Stored Power. Mightyena came in and was about to finish off Swoobat, but it switched out to Luxray. Mightyena took a Superpower from Luxray and hit it with a Dig, but Swoobat switched back into the second Dig and KO'd Mightyena with a Shadow Ball.
    Felly: Tentacruel|M|Liquid Ooze + Machamp|M|No Guard + Mightyena|M|Moxie vs. Turt: Quagsire|F|Unaware + Swoobat|M|Simple + Luxray|M|Rivalry
    I get 1.5K​
  10. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| dppt | Helds On | Rain | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    DinoBot: (Lx10) 5K Vs. Turtwig A: (Wx10) 10K
    Basics. Gothita Heal Blocked, while Magnemite held a Choice Scarf to outspeed, and 2HKO'd with Thunder each time.
    Bee: Gothita|F|Frisk vs. Turt: Magnemite|GL|Magnet Pull
    I get 5K​
  11. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4| Revo | Doubles | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis and GWRando: (W) 1K each Vs. Maxie and Elamite: (L) .5K each
    Parasect was piled on turn one knocking it out early as Rampardos missed a Head Smash. Smores' Azumarill managed to last awhile with Icy Wind. Rampardos was taken down by a few Water attacks from Gyarados and Beartic. Beartic Ice Sharded Serperior before going down to Leaf Storm and Superpower. Sigilyph and Gyarados teamed up on Serperior, eventually taking it out, but Sigilyph was then KO'd by a SpA+2 Frenzy Plant and a few Icy Winds. Gyarados took advantage of Azumarill's lowered Defense and its own raised Attack from Dragon Dance, and KO'd Azumarill with a few Bites.
    Syn: Beartic|M|Swift Swim + Sigilyph|M|Magic Guard GWR: Gyarados|M|Intimidate + Ampharos|F|Static (unsent) vs. Maxie: Rampardos|M|Mold Breaker + Serperior|F|Contrary Smores: Parasect|M|Dry Skin + Azumarill|F|Pure Power
    I get 2K​
  12. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| Revo | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Hydra Llsk: (Lx2) Vs. Turtwig A: (Wx2)
    Lucario was 2HKO'd by Nidoking's Earth Power, and then Slowbro's Flamethrower after a Calm Mind.
    Hydra: Lucario|F|Inner Focus vs. Turt: Nidoking|M|Sheer Force (Battle 1) Slowbro|M|Own Tempo (Battle 2)
    I get 1K​
  13. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6| Revo | Doubles | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Maxie and MuddyMudkip: (W) 1K Vs. @mlouden03; and DarknessRuler: (L) .5K
    Mlouden and DR had their Pokemon taken out fairly early before they could do anything significant. Salamence and Crobat managed to take of Hydreigon and Electivire after some softening up by Tyranitar and Espeon, but Ampharos and Glaceon took out those two. Dragonite and Charizard defeated Glaceon, but Dragonite was taken out leaving Charizard by itself. It stood up to Serperior, KOing it, but fell to Gallade.
    Maxie: Hydreigon|M|Levitate + Ampharos|F|Static + Serperior|F|Contrary; Muddy: Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Glaceon|F|Snow Cloak + Gallade|M|Steadfast vs. Mloud: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Crobat|M|Inner Focus + Dragonite|M|Multiscale; DR: Espeon|F|Synchronize + Salamence|M|Intimidate + Charizard|M|Blaze
    I get 3K​
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2013
  14. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause
    Accuracy Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Intimidate Fails
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Redirects off
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    mposter and Download select random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn

    Special Rule: Birthday FFA!
    With your pokemon send your birthday! at the end of each round a 12 sided will be rolled. if it lands on your birthday month, you get a stat increase or +50% of your health!
    Then, depending on what month is rolled, another die will be rolled! If it lands on your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You get a stat increase of your choice and +50% health recovery!

    First FFA! Was pretty fun! Not a lot of people, and no one got their exact birthday rolled, but it wsa a good experience!

    CommanderBadasss and Hitmonchan out 7th: 1K
    Felly and Dustox out 6th: 1K
    Blue Towel and Ditto -> Gengar out 5th: 1K
    Synthesis and Delibird out 4th: 1.5K
    DarknessRuler and Gengar out 3rd: 2K
    Axion and Klinklang out 2nd: 2.5K
    Maxie and Ampharos win! 3K
    I get 3.5K!

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2013
  15. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause
    Accuracy Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Intimidate Fails
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Redirects off
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    mposter and Download select random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn

    Special Rule:
    Thief FFA!
    All Pokemon know Thief which is a typeless move that does neutral damage to all types. (Yes, even Fairy.)
    When Thief is used on a Pokemon, ONE of the following effects must be chosen from: (Note these effects do also apply to Covet, but not Pickpocket)

    a) Stolen Ability: The target's Ability is stolen. A Pokemon whose Ability has been stolen no longer has an Ability. The stolen Ability replaces the Thief user's Ability. If the new Ability is negated or stolen, the owner reverts back to its old one. Wonder Guard cannot be stolen.

    b) Stolen Stats: The target's stat increases are stolen. No lowered stats are stolen. The target's stat modifiers return to zero. This effect stacks.

    c) Stolen Extras: The user steals the target's Sub, Light Screen, Reflect, Tailwind, Wish, Ingrain, Aqua Ring, Stockpiles (without stat raises), Charge (also without stat raises), Mud Sport, Water Sport, Focus Energy, Magnet Rise, Lock On, Mind Reader, and the healing properties of Leech Seed. (note that a stolen Sub takes damage from Thief, but cannot be broken by it. It will remain at a minimum of 1HP after being stolen.)

    d) Stolen Move: A move is stolen from the target. The opponent cannot use the stolen move until it is stolen back, or the Thief-user faints.

    When a Pokemon that has stolen "treasure" is KO'd, the treasure is returned to the original owners. Only up to two different stolen treasures can be owned at a time, but a treasure can be returned to its original owner to make room for a new one.

    FFA went well! Had some issues due to calc crashing and large amount of people (for me anyway) butgot back on track and everything turned out smoothly in the end! The stealing theme was used often and I'd like to think people had fun with it! (Especially when they were playing tug-of-war with Subs!) =P Overall, pretty hectic (when are FFAs not hectic?) but very enjoyable! (At least to me.)

    @WinterVines; and Kingdra out 13th: 1K
    @Felly; and Ariados out 12th: 1K
    @Elysia; and Magikarp out 11th: 1K
    @BlueTowel; and Ditto -> Flygon out 10th: 1.5K
    @DarknessRuler; and Charizard out 9th: 2K
    @Axion; and Flygon out 8th: 2.5K
    @Ash K.; and Slaking out 7th: 3K
    @Synthesis; and Mamoswine out 6th: 3.5K
    @Loyal Arcanine; and Infernape out 5th: 4K
    @Maxie; and Serperior out 4th: 4.5K
    @mlouden03; and Gengar out 3rd: 5K
    @Elamite; and Cofagrigus out 2nd: 5.5K
    @Ball; and Aerodactyl win! 6K
    I get 6.5K

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  16. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Maxie: (L) .5K Vs. Ball: (W) 1K
    Ball's Alakazam set up a whole lot, leaving Maxie with nothing to do but forfeit.
    Maxie: Hydreigon|M|Levitate + Houndoom|M|Early Bird vs. Ball: Alakazam|M|Synchronize + 1 Unsent Pokemon
    I get 1K​
  17. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    BlueTowel: (Wx2) 2K Vs. Synthesis: (Lx2) 0K (perma)
    Basics. Servine's Leaf Storm and Vine Whip KO'd each time. Wailmer only used Mist.
    BT: Servine|M|Contrary vs. Syn: Wailmer|M|Oblivious
    I get 1K

    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    BlueTowel: (Wx10) 10K Vs. Synthesis: (Lx10) 0K (perma)
    Basics. Hoppip/Skiploom 3HKO'd with Giga Drain as Wailmer used Mist.
    BT: Hoppip|F|Chlorophyll -> Skiploom|F|Chlorophyll Vs. Synthesis: Wailmer|M|Oblivious
    I get 5K

    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    BlueTowel: (Wx4) 4K Vs. Synthesis: (Lx4) 0K (Perma)
    Basics. Treecko's Energy Ball 2HKO'd each time, while all Wailmer did was Mist.
    BT: Treecko|M|Overgrow vs. Syn: Wailmer|M|Oblivious
    I get 2K​
  18. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause
    Accuracy Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Intimidate Fails
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Taunt Fails
    Redirects off
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    mposter and Download select random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn

    Special Rule: Evolution FFA!
    In the past, Junichi Masuda has stated that a large theme in Pokemon X and Y is evolution. So how about an evolution-themed FFA?
    All Pokemon entered begin at their first evolutionary stage. These Pokemon have access to all EMs and level-up moves that their evolution had, but only if they can learn the move too. Whenever a Pokemon is KO'd, it evolves instead and regains any moves its evolution can learn that it began with. In addition, a Pokemon that evolves will lose any stat changes, changes to ability or type, and/or status conditions it had before evolving. (This also applies to special conditions such as Aqua Ring, Leech Seed etc.) If a Pokemon can evolve twice, then it can resurrect twice. Likewise, if a Pokemon cannot evolve, it cannot resurrect. A Pokemon must keep the same Ability throughout the FFA, unless its evolution can no longer have this Ability. In this case, a new Ability is chosen from those available and a hidden-ability can still only be selected if it has been purchased. Also, if a Pokemon is sent that is already unevolved, it cannot evolve in the FFA. Obviously, no de-evolutions caused by this FFA are permanent. If you forfeit, KO yourself with Explosion, Self-Destruct etc. (unless the move is used randomly due to Sleep Talk, Metronome, or moves of the like), or are KO'd from lack of send, you do not evolve, do not pass go, and do not collect $200. Well, you do collect money, but it probably won't be $200.

    Another fun FFA! Highlights include but are not limited to Infernape burning with Flare Blitz TWICE and getting paralyzed TWICE; Pikachu dying before Grovyle could have a chance to benefit from the Leech Seed it just set up, and Bouffalant Head Smashing Swinub a bunch of times.

    @Synthesis; and Swinub -> Piloswine -> Mamoswine out 7th: 1K
    @GliscorMan; and Bouffalant out 6th: 1K
    @Fawkes; and Treecko -> Grovyle -> Sceptile out 5th: 1K
    @Turtwig A; and Pichu -> Pikachu -> Raichu out 4th: 1.5K
    @Airik; and Vulpix -> Ninetales out 3rd: 2K
    @Maxie; and Snivy -> Servine -> Serperior out 2nd: 2.5K
    @EmmySCx; and Chimchar -> Monferno -> Infernape win! 3K
    I get 3.5K

  19. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Maxie: (L) .5K Vs. DarknessRuler: (W) 1K
    mence flamer'd mamo to death and burned it before it could be taken down by ice fang, then zard finished up serp with a heat wave.
    Maxie: Mamoswine|M|Snow Cloak + Serperior|F|Contrary vs. DR: Salamence|M|Intimidate + Charizard|M|Blaze
    I get 1K​
  20. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4| DPPt | Helds On | Rain | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Maxie: (L) 1.5K Vs. Nitro: (W) 3K
    Pastoria Gym battle. Jellicent walled most of Maxie's team, and Swampert cleaned up after.
    Maxie: Machamp|M|No Guard + Hydreigon|M|Levitate + Lanturn|M|Volt Absorb + Crobat|M|Inner Focus vs. Nitro: Jellicent|M|Cursed Body + Swampert|F|Torrent + 2 Unsent Pokemon
    I get 2K​