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Swift is also a Move!!

Discussion in 'Battles' started by swiftgallade46, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (Lx5) 2.5K Vs. CommanderBadass (Wx5) 5K
    Basics. Eevee kept KOing Nido with Double-Edge and HP Ground.
    ML: Nidoran|M|Rivalry vs. CBA: Eevee|M|Adaptability
    I get 2.5K

    1v1 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (Wx2) 2K Vs. CommanderBadass (Lx2) 1K
    Basics. Nidorino came out on top with Rivalry boosted Double Kicks both times. Eevee got in a single Double-Edge each time.
    ML: Nidorino|M|Rivalry vs. CBA: Eevee|M|Adaptability
    I get 1K

    1v1 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (W) 1K Vs. CommanderBadass (L) .5K
    Basic. Nidorino KOd Meowth with some Rivalry boosted Double Kicks. All it got hit with was Screech and Scratch. (No pickup.)
    ML: Nidorino|M|Rivalry vs. CBA: Meowth|M|Pickup
    I get .5K

    1v1 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (Lx2) 1K Vs. Princess Crow (Wx2) 2K
    Basics. Nidorino had Poison Point this time and without the Rivalry boost, Eevee walked all over it with Double-Edge. Granted, the recoil was enough to KO Eevee both times, but Hannah still won b/c she issued the attack.
    ML: Nidorino|M|Poison Point Vs. Hannah: Eevee|F|Adaptability
    I get 1K
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  2. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (Lx5) 2.5K Vs. Princess Crow (Wx5) 5K
    Eevee Tail Whipped and Double-Edged for a set of 5 ohkos. It was very lucky and never got fully par'd despite getting paralyzed practically every battle by either ThunderWave or even Thunderbolt.
    ML: Elekid|M|Static vs. Hannah: Eevee|F|Adaptability
    I get 2.5K

    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03 (Wx5) 5K Vs. Princess of Crows (Lx5) 0K (perma)
    Electabuzz's Tbolt took out exactly half of Teddy's HP 2HKOing it each time. Hannah's Teddiursa's PickUp activated on third try.
    ML:Electabuzz|M|Static vs. Hannah: Teddiursa|F|PickUp
    I get 2.5K​
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  3. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    3v3| dppt | Helds On | Rain | Cave Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva/Legend Clauses
    Elamite (W) 3K Vs. SLCalamity (L) 1.5K
    Castelia Gym battle. It was really close, but the battle came to a pretty unlikely yet hilarious conclusion. Dragonite kicked things of for SLC against Smores' Armaldo. Dragonite was getting hurt by Super-Effective Stone Edge, so SLC threw in Kingdra instead. Kingdra was hit by a Bulldoze allowing Armaldo to outspeed, but it's Rain-boosted Stab Surf allowed Kingdra to win that round. Accelgor finished up where Armaldo left off and took out Kingdra with a Bug Buzz after failing to get the par from Body Slam. With not much for Accelgor to do against Dnite, it Final Gambited leaving Dnite to be KOd by an Ancientpower from Smores' Kabutops Wild Card. Now we get to the amusing conclusion of match. With Ludicolo in, and tops not at full health, a Life Orb boosted Seed Bomb would have sealed the deal and claimed victory for SLC. But of course my dice were all "Not today, bro!" and trolled SLC by Freezing his Ludi after and Ice Beam before it could attack. It stayed frozen (thanks to some more trolling from my dice) and Kabutops eventually Subbed and 2HKOd with X-Scissor. Lesson here? Never mess with swift's dice.
    Smores: Armaldo|M|Swift Swim + Accelgor|M|Hydration + Kabutops|M|Swift Swim vs. SLC: Dragonite|M|Multiscale + Kingdra|F|Swift Swim + Ludicolo|M|Swift Swim
    I get 1.5K​
  4. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis (W) 1.5K Vs. Turtwing A (L) .75K
    Syn's Togekiss switched out from Turt's Galavantula's Thunder, and Gliscor came in. After a U-Turn, Togekiss only needed to Flamethrower and Extremespeed before Galvantula went down. (But not before taking a Thunder.) Staraptor came in and cleaned up with a Brave Bird and Quick Attack while Togekiss Extremespeeded twice expecting Brave Bird to KO. Gliscor came in and Rock Polished as Staraptor Endeavored then Final Gambited. (Poison Heal + Toxic Orb prevented the KO.) Gliscor then Baton Passed to Darmanitan giving it the Speed+2 against Turt's Electivire who Ice Punched. Darmanitan used Encore then took the opportunity to Bulk Up. Ninjask came in and Protected for a Speed Boost, but Darmanitan Subbed. Turt forfeited as he saw no chance to win against Darmanitan with its many boosts and a Sub.
    Syn: Togekiss|M|Serene Grace + Gliscor|M|Poison Heal + Darmanitan|M|Sheer Force + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Turt: Galvantula|M|Compoundeyes + Staraptor|F|Intimidate + Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Ninjask|M|Speed Boost
    I get 2K​
  5. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Ash K. (W) 1.5K Vs. MuddyMudkip (L) .75K
    Ash switched Sableye in for Mamao to avoid a Focus Blast from Gengar. Swampert came in for Gar and tried to EQ/HPump Sableye to death, but it kept Subbing/Detecting/Calm Minding/Recovering so Swampert was switched out for Heracross once it's Burn got to be too much to bear. Heracross broke Sableye's Sub, but it was KOd by a Countered Megahorn. Breloom came in and dodged a Will-O-Wisp putting Sableye to sleep with Spore. Sableye was switched out for Sigilyph who attempted to Air Slash, but Gengar switched in and the attack missed (lol). Gengar took a Psyshock before KOing Sigilyph with Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball. It tried to Sucker Punch against Mamo, but Mamo just used Amnesia. Sucker Punch succeeded next turn but Ice Shard KOd Gengar. Breloom tried to finish off Mamo with a Drain Punch, but Mamo got a lucky roll and hit Breloom 5 times (only needed 4) with Icicle Spear for the KO. Swampert was already weakened a lot by Burn, so an EQ was all it needed to get KOd by Burn.
    Ash: Mamoswine|F|ThickFat + Sableye|M|Prankster + Sigilyph|F|Magic Guard + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Muddy: Gengar|M|Levitate + Swampert|M|Torrent + Breloom|M|Poison Heal + Heracross|M|Guts
    I get 2K​
  6. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    6v6 | DPPt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    AceTrainerLiam (W) 2K Vs. Maxie (L) 1.5K
    Liam started out with Politoed against Maxie's Donphan. It almost got the OHKO with Surf in the Rain, but Sturdy activated and it got par'd but ThunderFang. Toed was replaced with Swampert who finished up with Waterfall. Crobat came in and tried to hax but Rain-boosted Waterfall was too much for it and it eventually fell, after giving pert time to set up Stealth Rocks as well. Next was Quagsire for Maxie and Liam switched to Ludicolo who hit Quag with Mega Drain and Energy Ball taking minimal damage. Quagsire went down and Flygon came in. Flygon was doing ok but it got frozen by an Ice Punch from Swampert who was back in. It then went down as well. Machamp came in and Liam switched in Scizor who Swords Danced. Scizor KO'd with Wing Attack getting through the Confusion from a DynamicPunch. Houndoom was last, and Scizor KOd it with an X-Scissor.
    ATL: Politoed|M|Drizzle + Swampert|M|Torrent + Scizor|M|Technician + Ludicolo|M|Swift Swim + 2 Unsent Pokemon vs. Maxie: Donphan|F|Sturdy + Quagsire|F|Water Absorb + Flygon|M|Levitate + Crobat|M|Inner Focus + Machamp|M|No Guard + Houndoom|M|Early Bird
    I get 3K​
  7. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (Wx3)(Lx4) 5K Vs. Synthesis (Wx4)(Lx3) 5.5K
    Basics. Deino/Zweilous Outraged with a boost from Hustle each time. Hoppip/Skiploom got its wins by haxing with Leech Seed and Sleep Powder. If Sleep Powder missed, then Hoppip/Skiploom lost.
    ML: Deino --> Zweilous|M|Hustle vs. Synthesis Hoppip --> Skiploom|F|Chlorophyll
    I get 3.5K​
  8. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (Lx7) 3.5K Vs. Voltaire Magnezone (Wx7) 7K
    Basics. ML's Eevee was 2hkod by Thunderbolt each time. Its Double-Edges didn't even matter.
    ML: Eevee|F|Adaptability vs. VM: Electabuzz|M|Static
    I get 3.5K​
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  9. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | DPPt | No Holds | Rain | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Princess Crow (W) 3K Vs. Voltaire Magnezone (L) 1.5K
    Dewford Gym Match. Hannah DDanced with Dragonite against Electivire, taking a single Thunder. Dnite then swept KOing Electivire with EQ, Primeape with Wing Attack, Lucario with EQ, and Scrafty with Hurricane and Wing Attack. Scrafty managed to survive Hurricane and got past Confusion to use Rock Tomb, but it was too little too late. Hannah get's a shiny new Dewford Knuckle Gym Badge and TM Brick Break.
    Hannah: Dragonite|M|Multiscale + 3 Unsent Pokemon vs. VM: Electivire|M|Motordrive + Lucario|M|Inner Focus + Primeape|M|Anger Point + Scrafty|M|Moxie
    I get 2K​
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  10. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | DPPt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    AceTrainerLiam: (W) 1K Vs. Mlouden03: (L).5K
    Liam's Blaziken set up a ton of Bulk Ups against ML's Garchomp allowing it to get the sweep with a Blaze Kick on Gengar and an HJK on Garchomp.
    Liam: Blaziken|M|Speed Boost + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. ML: Garchomp|M|Sand Veil + Gengar|M|Levitate
    I get 1K​
  11. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | Revo | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis: (W) 1K Vs. Airik (L) .5K
    Syn's Gengar took a Shadow Ball from Jellicent then Pain Splited and KOd with Shadow Ball. It did the same with Espeon who HP Fired it, then KOd with Sucker Punch.
    Syn: Gengar|M|Levitate + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Airik: Jellicent|M|Water Absorb + Espeon|F|Magic Bounce
    I get 1K​
  12. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    1v1| dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (Lx7) 3.5K VS. Blue Towel (Wx7) 0K (perma)
    Basics. Vigoroth kept Slacking Off Double-Edge damage and KOing with Focus Punch after Eevee slept from Yawn.
    ML: Eevee|M|Adaptability vs. BT: Vigoroth|M|Vital Spirit
    I get 3.5K​
  13. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | dppt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (L) .5K Vs. Ash K. (W) 1K
    Basic. Ash's Murkrow defeated Eevee with a Brave "Krow" followed by Roost and Sucker Punch. It got a Sucker Punch off on Gengar and went down to Tbolt, but Sableye came in and finished up with a Shadow Sneak.
    Ml: Eevee|M|Adaptability + Gengar|M|Levitate vs. Ash: Murkrow|F|Prankster + Sableye|M|Prankster
    I get 1K

    2v2 | dppt | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (L) .5K Vs. Ash K. (W) 1K
    Basic. Ash's Pikachu (lol) stood up for a while against ML's Jolteon with Quick Attack and HP Ground, but its lack of ExtremeSpeed allowed Jolt to get the KO first with Double-Edge. Next up for Ash was Murkrow who finished off Jolteon with a Sucker Punch and KOd Eevee with a Flying Gem boosted Brave "Krow".
    Ml: Jolteon|M|Volt Absorb + Eevee|M|Adaptability vs. Ash: Pikachu|M|Static + Murkrow|F|Prankster
    I get 1K​
  14. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | Revo | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Velo Jello: (W) 1.5K Vs. Airik: (L) .75K
    Velo started with Breloom against Airiks Weavile who Fake Outed and used its Normal Gem. Pickpocket then activated and it unluckily stole Breloom's Toxic Orb. Taking a single MAch Punch, Weavile threw out an Ice Punch and an Ice Shard, taking out Breloom before falling to Toxic damage. Next in were Jolteon for Airik and Serperior for Velo. Jolteon Volt Switched into Infernape who took a Choice Specs boosted Leaf Storm. However, after a boost from Contrary, Serperior managed to KO nape as well. Whimsicott came in and tried to hax with Stun Spore, but it missed and Whimsi was OHKOd by a +4 SpA Specs Leaf Storm. Last up was Jolteon who HP Iced before going down as well. (Leaf Storm came hilariously close to missing twice in a row with a roll of 89 then 90. Clearly my dice enjoy getting people's hopes up only to tear them down immediately.)
    Velo: Breloom|F|Poison Heal + Serperior|M|Contrary + Salamence|M|Intimidate (unsent) + Ditto|GL|Limber (unsent) vs. Airik: Weavile|M|Pickpocket + Jolteon|M|Volt Absorb + Infernape|M|Iron Fist + Whimsicott|M|Contrary
    I get 2K​
  15. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    5v5 | dppt | Helds On | Rain | Road Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses/No Legendes/ Challenger sends first/ All Gym Pokemon know TM Bubblebeam
    AceTrainerLiam (W) 3K Vs. Turtwing A. (L) 1.5K
    Humliau Gym Battle. Turt started off well with Ninjask Subbing against Rotom's Twave and getting a few boosts b/c of it. It Baton Passed these boosts to Electivire who, additionally, switched in on an electric move giving it +3 Speed and +2 Attack. Rotom subbed while Electivire went with Screech. Next, Electivire broke the Sub with ThunderPunch and took a Hydro Pump. With a sweep looming, Liam brought in Swampert who wasn't affected by another ThunderPunch. Swampert took a Low Kick, and KOd Electivire with an Earthquake. Galvantula came in and took out Swampert with a single Energy Ball, but it was quickly KOd by Kabutops' Stone Edge. Kabutops kept it up, KOing Ninjask as well with a Life Orb and Rain boosted Waterfall. In came Venusaur, but Liam switched to Tentacruel, so it used Worry Seed to take care of the Liquid Ooze problem. However, Turt's plan was apparently completely foiled next turn when, after taking an Acid Spray, Venusaur's Leech Seed happened to miss. Turt forfeited right away.
    Liam: Rotom-Wash|GL|Levitate + Swampert|M|Torrent + Tentacruel|M|Liquid Ooze + Kabutops|M|Swift Swim + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Turt: Ninjask|M|Speed Boost + Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Galvantula|F|Compundeyes + Venusaur|M|Overgrow + 1 Unsent Pokemon
    I get 2K​
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2013
  16. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | Revo | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Princess Crow: (W) 3K Vs. Akinai (L) 1.5K
    Ecruteak Gym Battle. Hannah began with a Tyranitar against Akinai's Sableye. Ttar was switch to Rotom-Wash and Sableye Taunted. Rotom-Wash was offensive anyway, being Choice Specs equipped, so it didn't mind. It dodged a Will-O-Wisp and got in its first thunderbolt. Next, Sableye got a Confuse Ray on it and Rotom smacked. Sableye finally managed to get Rotom with a Will-O-Wisp before going down to a second Tbolt. Banette came in and Trick Roomed while Rotom used Tbolt. Then, Banette used Hex and Rotom got off its final Tbolt before getting KOd by a combination of Sand, Burn, and its Confusion damage, plus Hex. Next up was Golurk for Akinai and Tyranitar again for Hannah. Ttar switched out for Hannah's Chandelure which was not affected by a Hammer Arm. Golurk used EQ and Chandelure got a Will-O-Wisp on it before going down to a second EQ. Salamence was up next for Hannah. It took a Curse and finished off Golurk with a Crunch, activating Moxie. Trick Room ended, and Akinai's Chandelure came in. Chandelure managed to Take a Crunch and Burn Salamence with Will-O-Wisp, but another Crunch was enough to KO it. Hannah earned a Fog Badge.
    Hannah: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Rotom-Wash|GL|Levitate + Chandelure|F|Shadow Tag + Salamence|M|Moxie vs. Akinai: Sableye|M|Prankster + Banette|F|Cursed Body + Golurk|M|Iron Fist + Chandelure|F|Flame Body
    I get 2K​
  17. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | DPPt | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mlouden03: (L) .75K Vs. Magnesium: (W) 1.5K
    ML started with Gengar against MG's Weavile. Gengar threatened a Focus Blast, so MG brought in his Roserade. Roserade took the attack, then used Extrasenory while Gengar used Psychic. Neither move KOd, but Gengar was pretty weakened. Weavile come in on the next Psychic, making it ineffective. It then used Night Slash before Gengar could pull off a hit with Focus Blast. Next up for ML was Blaziken who threatened a Sky Uppercut. Once again, MG switched, this time to Gliscor. Blazikens speed was ever-rising so Gliscor decided to try and end things quickly with an Acrobatics against Blaziken's Flare Blitz. It then Quick Attacked to finish Blaziken off. Glaceon was next for ML. It used Blizzard, so MG switched AGAIN (lol) into Weavile. Weavile used Swords Dance and took a Double-Edge. It then used Brick Brake which barely didn't KO, but the Double-Edge that came next took out Glaceon from recoil. ML's Charizard was next. Charizard used Flamethrower to KO, but not before taking a Night Slash. MG then sent in Gengar who KOd with Thunder Bolt.
    ML: Gengar|M|Levitate + Blaziken|M|Speed Boost + Glaceon|M|Snow Cloak + Charizard|M|Blaze vs. MG: Weavile|M|Pressure + Roserade|M|Natural Cure + Gliscor|M|Sand Veil + Gengar|M|Levitate
    I get 2K​
  18. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | Revo | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis: (W) 1K Vs. Airik: (L) .5K
    Syn started out with his Gliscor against Airik's Infernape. Infernape used HP Ice and scor Rock Polished. Next turn, Airik forgot that Feint would have KOd and tried to HP Ice again, but a Flying Gem boosted Acrobatics was all Gliscor needed to ohko. Next up for Airik was Torkoal who took an Earthquake but KOd scor with a Gyro Ball. Finally, Syn's Gengar finished up the battles with a Sludge Bomb to KO Torkoal.
    Syn: Gliscor|M|Sand Veil + Gengar|M|Levitate vs. Airik: Infernape|M|Iron Fist + Torkoal|M|White Smoke
    I get 1K

    2v2 | Revo | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis: (W) 1K Vs. Airik: (L) .5K
    Syn began this time with Aerodactyl while Airik went with Simisage. Wing Attack would have been enough to 2HKO Simisage, but it healed slightly with Leech Seed. Ambipom switched in for Aero next turn and took a Rock Slide. It used Fake Out, then took out Simisage with a Fire Punch. Carracosta was up next for Airik. It was paralyzed early by a Thunder Wave from Ambi and couldn't move, thereby losing its chance to Shell Smash. Ambi kept up the pressure with Low Kick, and Carracosta got in a Waterfall and an Aqua Jet before going down.
    Syn: Aerodactyl|M|Pressure + Ambipom|M|Technician vs. Airik: Simisage|M|Overgrow + Carracosta|M|Sturdy
    I get 1K​
  19. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    2v2 | DPPt | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis: (W) 1K Vs. GliscorMan (L) .5K
    Syn began with an Alakazam while Gman started with his Gastrodon which was OHKOd by a LOrb boosted Energy Ball. Bouffalant was up next, but it only got in a single Head Charge before it was 2HKOd by Psychic.
    Syn: Alakazam|M|Magic Guard + 1 Unsent Pokemon vs. Gman: Gastrodon|F|Storm Drain + Bouffalant|M|Reckless
    I get 1K

    2v2 | DPPt | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Synthesis: (L) 1K Vs. GliscorMan (W) .5K
    I will admit Syn's loss is kind of my fault because I was rushing and forgot Ditto's HP doesn't change so I answered one of his questions about whether or not an attack would KO wrong. Either way, Gman won all of the speed ties, so he probably would have won anyway. It started with Gman's Boldore against Syn's Dugtrio. Dugtrio EQ'd, but Boldore Exploded and both were KOd. Then Carracosta came in for Gman and Ditto for Syn. Ditto's Imposter made it change into Dittocosta, and they both Shell Smashed. However, Carracosta went first next turn, and it OHKOd Dittocosta with a Hydro Pump.
    Syn: Dugtrio|M|Arena Trap + Ditto|GL|Imposter Vs. Gman: Boldore|M|Sturdy + Carracosta|M|Solid Rock
    I get 1K​
  20. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
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    4v4 | DPPt | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Default Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Sky Lark: (W) 3K Vs. MuddyMudkip (L) 1.5K
    Cianwood Gym Battle. Sky started with Togekiss against Muddy's Electivire Wild Card. Electivire threatened with Thunder Punch, so Togekiss switched into Dugtrio and the move failed. Dugtrio had Electivire trapped with Arena Trap, and it used Earthquake. Electivire fired back with an Ice Punch, but the recoil from Life Orb and the damage from Dugtrio's Rocky Helmet were exactly enough to knock it out. Machamp came in next for Muddy, and took a Sucker Punch before KOing Dugtrio with Vacuum Wave. Next in for Sky was Dragonite who threatened a Hurricane which wouldn't miss because of Machamp's No Guard. Machamp switched with Gallade and Hurricane missed. Gallade tried an Ice Punch, but Dragonite switched in to Blaziken who took little damage. Gallade was locked into Ice Punch from Choice Scarf, so it switched into Conkeldurr while Blaziken used Swords Dance and gained a Speed Boost. Blaziken used Fire Punch to get a 2HKO, but it took a Superpower and Life Orb recoil. Machamp came in and was KOd by a Brave Bird whose recoil also KOd Blaziken. Finally, Gallade come in against Dragonite and burned it with a Will-O-Wisp, causing its Wing Attack to do less damage. However, Muddy had forgotten that this would cause Gallade to be locked into Will-O-Wisp by Choice Scarf. With Gallade being her last Pokemon, she was forced to forfeit. Sky was awarded the Storm Badge.
    Sky: Togekiss|F|Serene Grace + Dugtrio|M|Arena Trap + Dragonite|M|Multiscale + Blaziken|M|Speed Boost vs. Muddy: Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Machamp|M|No Guard + Gallade|M|Justified + Conkeldurr|M|Sheer Force
    I get 2K​