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Swift is also a Move!!

Discussion in 'Battles' started by swiftgallade46, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    mlouden03: (Wx10) 10K Vs. @TheHydra;: (Lx10) 5K
    Acrobatics 2HKO'd each time.
    ML: Fletchling|M|Big Pecks -> Fletchinder|M|Flame Body vs. Hydra: Ralts|F|Synchronize -> Kirlia|F|Synchronize
    I get 5K​
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  2. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    mlouden03: (W) 1K Vs. TheHydra: (L) .5K
    Glaceon eventually got lucky a few times and KO'd with Blizzard.
    ML: Glaceon|M|Snow Cloak Vs. Hydra: Gardevoir|F|Synchronize
    I get .5K

    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    mlouden03: (L) .5K Vs. TheHydra: (W) 1K
    Gardevoir's Moon Blast KO'd Wailord before its Heavy Slam could KO Gardevoir.
    Wailord|M|Water Veil vs. Hydra: Gardevoir|F|Synchronize
    I get .5K​
  3. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1K Vs. Amakiir: (L) .5K
    Luxray took out TTar with SuperPower and Discharge, then Gengar took a Crunch from it. Aurorus came in and finished off Gengar with an Ice Hyper Beam.
    Turt: Luxray|M|Intimidate + Aurorus|M|Refrigerate vs. GM: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Gengar|M|Levitate
    I get 1K​
  4. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause
    Accuracy Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Taunt Fails
    Redirects off
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    Imposter, Download, and Intimidate select a random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn
    Special Rule: Two types will be rolled at each turn’s start. All moves of the first type will become the second type until the round is over. No Wonder Guard!

    Was basically a standard FFA since the types that changed never corresponded to the moves used. =P Despite that, the FFA was really interesting and I had a good time reffing it except sand and frigging grassy terrain! Highlights were Azumarill getting through almost half the FFA by Splashing, Metagross being resilient as hell, and Hippowdon Cursing with its sailor mouth.

    @Felly; and Beautifly out 13th: 1K
    @Monbrey; and Charizard out 12th: 1K
    @Maxie the Smugleaf; and Delphox out 11th: 1K
    @mlouden03; and Gengar out 10th: 1.5K
    @Elysia; and Alakazam out 9th: 2K
    @Voltaire Magneton; and Lucario out 8th: 2.5K
    @Synthesis; and Azumarill out 7th: 3K
    @Akinai; and Spiritomb out 6th: 3.5K
    @Pman; and Metagross out 5th: 4K
    @BlueTowel; and Ditto -> Hippowdon out 4th: 4.5K
    @WinterVines; and Golurk out 3rd: 5K
    @Airik; and Vileplume out 2nd: 5.5K
    @EmmySCx; and Hippowdon win! 6K

    I get 6.5K

  5. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Voltaire Magneton: (Wx7) 6K Vs. GliscorMan: (Lx7) 3K (First battle was OHKO, so no pay)
    Scraggy 2HKO'd with Headbutt and Brick Break.
    VM: Scraggy|M|Shed Skin vs. GM: Amaura|F|Refrigerate
    I get 3.5K

    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Voltaire Magneton: (Wx1)(Lx4) 3K Vs. GliscorMan: (Wx4)(Lx1) 4.5K
    Tyrunt 3HKO'd with Crunch. Bidoof won once thanks to Curse and Superpower.
    VM: Bidoof|M|Simple vs. GM: Tyrunt|M|Strong Jaw
    I get 2.5K ​
  6. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    3v3| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (L) .5K Vs. Ash K.: (W) 1K
    Garchomp took out Raichu and Crobat with Serperior only switching in briefly. Blaziken was setting up tons on a confused Garchomp, but Turt had to leave and forfeited.
    Turt: Raichu|F|Static + Crobat|M|Inner Focus + Blaziken|M|Speed Boost Vs. Ash: Garchomp|M|Rough Skin + Serperior|F|Contrary + 1 Unsent Pokemon
    I get 1.5K

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
  7. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Amakiir: (L) .5K Vs. DarknessRuler: (W) 1K
    Glaceon beat Cloyster, Ttar beat Glaceon and Hitmontop beat Ttar. Look at me and my detailed, totally-not-lazy logs.
    GM: Cloyster|F|Skill Link + Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream Vs. DR: Glaceon|M|Snow Cloak + Hitmontop|M|Technician
    I get 1K​
  8. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | Helds On | Rain | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1K Vs. DarknessRuler: (L) .5K
    Sliggoo was bulky af and tanked Electivire. Omastar came in when Sliggoo was finally defeated, and OHKO'd Flareon with a Rain-boosted HPump.
    Turt: Sliggoo|M|Hydration + Omastar|F|Swift Swim Vs. DR: Electivire|M|Motor Drive + Flareon|M|Flash Fire
    I get 1K​
  9. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6| Revo | Helds On | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva/Species Clauses
    Synthesis: (W) 2K Vs. Akinai: (L) 1.5K
    Very fun battle! Very haxy too, unfortunately for Akinai. She got to see the cruel side of my dice, much to Syn's amusement. The beginning of the battle had some interesting back and forth too with both sides finding a way to screw the other over some way or another. Very entertaining. We also all learned what an Enigma Berry was! =D
    Syn: Azumarill|M|Huge Power + Whimsicott|F|Prankster + Togekiss|M|Serene Grace + Clefable|M|Magic Guard + Mawile|M|Intimidate -> MegaMawile|M|Huge Power + Granbull|M|Intimidate vs. Akinai: Drifblim|M|Aftermath + Golurk|GL|Iron Fist + Gengar|M|Levitate + Banette|F|Cursed Body -> MegaBanette|F|Prankster + Chandelure|F|Infiltrator + Sableye|F|Prankster
    I get 3K​
  10. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4| DPPt | Helds On | Rain | Sunset Colosseum Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva/Species Clauses
    SLCalamity: (L) 1.5K Vs. Princess Crow: (W) 3K
    Cerulean Gym battle. SLC tried hard and came up with some nice strategies, but Hannah was too quick for him and managed to get through some trolling from my dice to win.
    SLC: Goodra|F|Hydration + Whimsicott|F|Prankster + Sceptile|M|Overgrow + Starmie|GL|Illuminate vs. Hannah: Kingdra|F|Swift Swim + Greninja|F|Protean + Rotom-Wash|GL|Levitate + Lapras|F|Hydration
    I get 2K​
  11. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Pman: (Lx7) 3.5K Vs. Maxie the Smugleaf: (Wx7) 0K (perma)
    Basics. Snivy's Leaf Tornado 3HKO'd.
    PM: Slowpoke|F|Own Tempo vs. Maxie: Snivy|M|Overgrow
    I get 3.5K​
  12. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | Doubles | Revo | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Felly: (L) .75K Vs. Elamite: (W) 1.5K
    smores outpredicted a lot which kinda screwed over Felly. She did manage to hold off his attacks closer to then end with Venoshock and Waterfall, but it was too late as Perish Song had been set up and smores Protected her to death....lol.
    Felly: Politoed|M|Drizzle + Ludicolo|F|Swift Swim + Armaldo|M|Swift Swim + Tentacruel|M|Rain Dish vs. smores: Parasect|M|Dry Skin + Darmanitan|M|Sheer Force + Azumarill|M|Huge Power + Mamoswine|M|Thick Fat (unsent)
    I get 2K​
  13. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (W) 1K Vs. Eavorclear: (L) .5K
    Swoobat switched in, boosted, and swept.
    Turt: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Swoobat|M|Simple vs. Eavor: Blaziken|M|Blaze + Alakazam|M|Synchronize
    I get 1K​
  14. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Eavorclear: (L) .5K Vs. Airik: (W) 1K
    Shiftry weakened Blaziken, then Sharpedo swept.
    Eavor: Alakazam|M|Synchronize + Blaziken|M|Blaze vs. Airik: Shiftry|M|Chlorophyll + Sharpedo|M|Speed Boost
    I get 1K​
  15. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1v1| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Turtwig A: (Lx10) Vs. Sectastic: (Wx10)
    Surf 3HKO'd from Squirtle/Wartortle against Fletchling and 2HKO'd from Seel against Fletchinder.
    Turt: Fletchling|M|Big Pecks -> Fletchinder|M|Flame Body Vs. Sec: Squirtle|F|Torrent -> Wartortle|F|Torrent and 1 with Seel|M|Thick Fat
    I get 5K​
  16. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause
    Accuracy Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Redirects off
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    Imposter, Download, and Intimidate select a random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn

    Special Rule: Thanksgiving food -fight FFA! Once per every two turns, you can use toss one of the following foods at a target. You can only use each food once. Some foods (marked with an M) can be used in addition to a move. (cannot be used when 2 Pokemon remain):
    Turkey: (Priority + 3) Turkey makes you sleepy. Throw this at someone to put them to sleep for a turn! During that turn, they can still use their food item and all damage to that Pokemon is halved.
    Cornbread: M (Priority + 5) How corny! Throwing this at someone will make them angry at your bad joke-telling skills and give them the Taunt condition until turn’s end.
    Pumpkin Pie: M (Priority +3) Hope you have a sweet tooth! Pie someone in the face to reduce their visibility and make their move 50% less accurate until turn’s end.
    Mashed Potatoes: M (Priority +3) Too hot! Throw this at someone to burn them until the end of the turn!
    Cranberry Sauce: (Priority +6)Makes stuff taste better! Eat this to protect yourself from thrown food this turn!
    Stuffing: M (Priority +5) Stuff a target to make them sluggish! Their moves (including food tosses) get Priority -3!
    Gravy: (Priority +3) Throw this on the ground to make a target slip and use a random move instead!
    Apple Cider: (Priority +3) Too good to throw at someone else! Drink this up to heal 25%!
    Salad: M (Priority +3) Who eats salad at Thanksgiving? Throw this at someone to make them Grass-Type until turn’s end!
    Buns: Distract a foe with your large buns and make their stat increases return to zero!

    Was a fun FFA! Food fight didnt get abused as much as I'd hoped, but it was still a good time. Tons of boosts etc made Tyrantrum and Ditto huge threats which landed them in the top 2.

    @EmmySCx; and Igglybuff out 16th: 1K
    @Elysia; and Metapod out 15th: 1K
    @Turtwig A; and Aurorus out 14th: 1K
    @Pman; and Metagross out 13th: 1.5K
    @mlouden03; and Poliwrath out 12th: 2K
    @Felly; and Chandelure out 11th: 2.5K
    @RockinCrocodile; and Houndoom out 10th: 3K
    @Monbrey; and Charizard out 9th: 3.5K
    @Ash K.; and Gallade out 8th: 4K
    @KnittyDragon; and Lucario out 7th: 4.5K
    @Nitro; and Sigilyph out 6th: 5K
    @Maxie the Smugleaf; and Ampharos out 5th: 5.5K
    @Akinai; and Zorua (Noibat) out 4th: 6K
    @WinterVines; and Venusaur out 3rd: 6.5K
    @BlueTowel; and Ditto -> Dittogross out 2nd: 7K
    @CommBA; and Tyrantrum win! 7.5K

    I get 8K

  17. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Felly: (W) 1K Vs. Amakiir: (L) .5K
    Felly got VERY LUCKY. Maximum confusion on Tyranitar combined with 3/4 of those being smacks let Charizard KO it. On top of that, zard Burned Cloyster with Flamethrower, and the Cloyster's Whirlpool missed.
    Felly: Mr. Mime|M|Technician + Charizard|M|Blaze vs. GM: Tyranitar|M|Sand Stream + Cloyster|F|Skill Link
    I get 1K​
  18. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause
    Accuracy Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Redirects off
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    Imposter, Download, and Intimidate select a random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn

    Special Rule: One Pokemon's move becomes Metronome. Move is rolled at turn's start.

    Probably would have gone better if I had actually reffed this correctly more than half the time. Rule screwed over plans and made others better. Lugia was obviously deadly. Best part was when Gourgeist got Self Destruct and blew up towards the end. Knitty foreited to give Lugia the win for its last FFA.

    @Amakiir; and Tyranitar out 14th: 1K
    @Akinai; and Chandelure out 13th: 1K
    @Maxie the Smugleaf; and Liepard out 12th: 1K
    @CommBA; and Combee out 11th: 1.5K and a Honey from Honey Gather
    @Andarene; and Blastoise out 10th: 2K
    @Elysia; and Metapod out 9th: 2.5K
    @BlueTowel; and Jumpluff out 8th: 3K
    @Synthesis; and Mawile out 7th: 3.5K
    @Axion; and Klinklang out 6th: 4K
    @SLCalamity; and Haxorus out 5th: 4.5K
    @Felly; and Mr. Mime out 4th: 5K
    @Airik; and Gourgeist-Huge out 3rd: 5.5K (No PickUp)
    @KnittyDragon; and Salamence out 2nd: 6K
    @Ash K.; and Lugia win! 6.5K

    I get 7K


    ...and so the Legacy of Lugia in URPG begins to come to a close. For now.
  19. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2| DPPt | No Holds | No Weather | No Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Ash K.: (W) 1K Vs. Eavorclear: (L) .5K
    Ash boosted using Moody until it was painful, then Baton Passed to Metagross and swept.
    Ash: Smeargle|F|Moody + Metagross|GL|Clear Body vs. Eavor: Blaziken|M|Blaze + Alakazam|M|Synchronize
    I get 1K​
  20. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | dppt | No Helds | Sandstorm | Grassy Field Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva/Species/Legend Clauses
    Ash K.: (L) 1.5K Vs. Neonsands: (W) 3K
    Olivine Gym battle. Very close battle. Blaziken did nothing but get itself KO'd thanks to a missed Hi Jump Kick courtesy of my dice. Scizor tried to Baton Pass a bunch of boosts to Gallade, but Aggron Roared it off. Skarmory managed to KO Gallade getting itself KO'd in the process. In the end, it came down to Metagross hitting or missing an Ice Punch on Garchomp with Sand Veil on. It hit, and Metagross ended the battle by KOing Scizor with Stone Edge Earthquake.
    Ash: Blaziken|F|Speed Boost + Scizor|M|Technician + Gallade|M|Steadfast + Garchomp|M|Sand Veil vs. Neon: Empoleon|M|Torrent + Aggron|M|Sturdy + Skarmory|M|Weak Armor + Metagross|GL|Clear Body
    I get 2K​