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Swift is also a Move!!

Discussion in 'Battles' started by swiftgallade46, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2 | SM Public Open | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Sou: (W) 1K Vs. ZenithAvalon: (L) 0.5K
    Wartortle 2 stronk the trilogy
    Sou: Wartortle, Cutiefly vs Zen: Litten, Alolan Vulpix
    I get 1K
    Total: 6K​
  2. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    2v2 | SM Public Open | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Sou: (W) 1K Vs. ZenithAvalon: (L) 0.5K
    This time Sou used Alolan Vulpix instead of Cutiefly but Wartortle still 2 stronk.
    Sou: Wartortle, Alolan Vulpix vs Zen: Litten, Alolan Vulpix
    I get 1K
    Total: 7K​
  3. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | SM Public Open | Helds On | Sun | Volcano Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Morru: (W) 3K Vs. The Artist...: (L) 1K
    Lavaridge Gym battle. Morru messed up with sending Choiced Alolan Marowak when it couldn't KO, but he made up for with with Mega Charizard-X.
    Morru: (Mega)Charizard(X), Alolan Marowak, Houndoom, Infernape vs PV: (Mega)Altaria, Toxicroak, Gliscor, Greninja
    I get 2K
    Total: 9K​
  4. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | SM Private Preview | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Ace Trainer Liam: (W) 3K Vs. Magikchicken: (L) 1K
    Ecruteak Gym battle. Greninja swept early and Mega Lopunny swept late. Liam mostly outpredicted as well, but the dice didn't like Drifblim's Charge Beam attempts. Liam gets TM Shadow Claw and Fog Badge.
    ATL: (Mega)Lopunny, Greninja, Heliolisk, [Scrafty] vs MC: (Mega)Gengar, Drifblim, Spiritomb, Decidueye
    I get 2K
    Total: 11K​
  5. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    SM Private Full
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause Accuracy Clause
    One-Hit-Knock-Out Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Attract Fails
    Curse Fails when used by a Ghost-type Pokemon
    Redirects on
    Fling selects a random Base Power and item
    Natural Gift selects a random berry
    Moves such as Heal Bell, Aromatherapy, Helping Hand etc. may select one other Pokemon (barring Ally Switch)
    Belch can be used after charging for one turn
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    Imposter, Download, and Intimidate select a random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn
    Special Rule: Each turn a randomly selected Pokemon will have its move become a Z Move. The same Pokemon cannot be selected two turns in a row. Special Rule ends when there are 3 Pokemon or less. Z Status Moves can have their base move Snatched but not the Z Effect. AND YES U HAVE TO DO THE DANCE >:|

    r u for us???? Cause I am phar os.

    FFA Weekend Bonus holla

    @juliorain and Salamence out 21st: 1k + 4k
    @Synthesis and Greninja out 20th: 1k + 4k
    @GrayMagicΓ and Gengar B out 19th: 1k + 4k
    @Menegoth and Decidueye out 18th: 1.5k + 4k
    @WinterVines and Type: Null out 17th: 2k + 4k
    @Fawkes. and Arcanine out 16/15th: 2.5k + 4k
    @BlueTowel and Alomomola out 16/15th: 2.5k + 4k
    @Nitro and Gengar A out 14th: 3.5k + 4k
    @origamidragons and Metagross out 13th: 4k + 4k
    @Sou and Togekiss B out 12th: 4.5k + 4k
    @Morru and Togekiss A out 11th: 5k + 4k
    @K'sariya and Aggron out 10th: 5.5k + 4k
    Ralin and Charmander out 9th: 6k + 4k
    @Lightning Dash and Lucario out 8th: 6.5k + 4k
    @Ash K. and Mew out 7th: 7k + 4k
    @JacenBoy and Vikavolt out 6th: 7.5k + 4k
    @Siless and Gardevoir out 5th: 8k + 4k
    @Magikchicken and Gallade out 4th: 8.5k + 4k
    @Rick and Rapidash out 3rd: 9k + 4k
    @Elysia and Minior out 2nd: 9.5k + 4k
    @Mistral and Ampharos win! 10k + 4k


    I get 10.5k + 4k = 14.5k
    Total: 25.5k
  6. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | Helds On | Fog | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mistral: (W) 5K Vs. DarknessRuler: (L) 2.5K
    Randoms. Dice didn't like DR and he kept forgetting to give his Pokemon items.
    Felly: Snorlax, Greninja, Butterfree, Mightyena, Garchomp, Hydreigon vs DR: Snorlax, Tyrantrum, Butterfree, Ludicolo, Leafeon, Incineroar
    I get 3K
    Total: 28.5K​
  7. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Morru: (W) 5K Vs. JacenBoy: (L) 2.5K
    Randoms. Lots of back and forth but Morru eventually won it thanks to Jolteon and Gyara.
    Morru: Sceptile, Gyarados, Jolteon, Beautifly, Rhyperior, Gigalith vs JB: Togekiss, Tyrantrum, Gyarados, Clefable, Lucario, Cradily
    I get 3K
    Total: 31.5K​
  8. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | SM Public Open | No Holds | Rain | Tall Grass Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mikey57: (W) 3K Vs. The Artist...: (L) 1K
    Castelia Gym battle. PV tried to Roar a bunch but eventually Mikey ended up pulling off a win with a combination of Volcarona's coverage and an Ancient Power boost for Kabutops.
    Mikey: Kabutops, Volcarona, Heracross, Yanmega vs PV: Altaria, Toxicroak, Metagross, Nidoqueen
    I get 2K
    Total: 33.5K​
  9. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | No Holds | Rain | Tall Grass Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Mikey57: (W) 5.5K Vs. DarknessRuler: (L) 2.5K
    Castelia Gym Battle. DR had some really threatening things take the field, but Mikey was able to regain the momentum with some crazy hax (3 full pars and then a flinch in a row followed by an Ancient Power Rise). He finished up with Accelgor.
    Mikey: Accelgor, Scizor, Kabutops, Volbeat, Scolipede, Heracross vs DR: Incineroar, Dragonite, Greninja, Quagsire, Ludicolo, Tyrantrum
    I get 3K
    Total: 36.5K​
  10. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | SM Public Open | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Neonsands: (W) 3K Vs. Elrond 2.0: (L) 1K
    Mistralton Gym battle. This happened a while ago and just now finished so I don't really remember but uhh yah Alakazam gave Neon the win after he made it Sturggle RIP. Neon gets Jet Badge and TM Acrobatics.
    Neon: Alakazam, Delibird, Lopunny, Jolteon vs Elrond: Hawlucha, Gliscor, Crobat, Salamence
    I get 2K
    Total: 38.5K​
  11. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    SM Private Full
    No Helds
    No Sleep Moves (Barring Rest)
    Evasion Clause Accuracy Clause
    One-Hit-Knock-Out Clause
    Perish Song Fails
    Hit All - Hit One
    Imprison Fails
    Encore Fails
    Attract Fails
    Curse Fails when used by a Ghost-type Pokemon
    Redirects on
    Fling selects a random Base Power and item
    Natural Gift selects a random berry
    Moves such as Heal Bell, Aromatherapy, Helping Hand etc. may select one other Pokemon (barring Ally Switch)
    Belch can be used after charging for one turn
    Illusion Pokémon disguises as a random Pokémon from the dex
    Imposter, Download, and Intimidate select a random participating Pokémon
    Not sending or forfeiting results in KO at the beginning of the turn
    Special Rule: Send a move with your Pokemon. That move becomes a Sound move for the duration of the FFA.

    Teaming is for dorks.

    FFA Weekend hype !!

    @BlueTowel and Shedinja out 25th: 1k + 4k
    @Elysia and Tyrantrum out 24th/23rd: 1k + 4k
    @Johnbdm and Bounsweet out 24th/23rd: 1k + 4k
    @juliorain and Banette out 22nd: 1.5k + 4k
    @Morru and Togekiss out 21st: 2k + 4k
    @Menegoth and Stufful out 20th: 2.5k + 4k
    @Ataro and Girafarig out 19th: 3k + 4k
    @JokesterJesse and Tentacruel out 18th: 3.5k + 4k
    @Siless and Gardevoir out 17th: 4k + 4k
    @Synthesis and Rotom Wash out 16th/15th: 4.5k + 4k
    @Magikchicken and Gallade out 16th/15th: 4.5k + 4k
    @Haillys and Delibird out 14th: 5.5k + 4k
    @GrayMagicΓ and Dragonite out 13th: 6k + 4k
    @LowlyHumanCub and Mr. Mime out 12th: 6.5k + 4k
    @The Artist... and Exploud 11th: 7k + 4k
    @Rick and Rapidash 10th: 7.5k + 4k
    @origamidragons and Metagross out 9th: 8k + 4k
    @WinterVines and Eelektross out 8th: 8.5k + 4k
    @DarknessRuler and Starmie out 7th: 9k +4k
    @JacenBoy and Hydreigon out 6th: 9.5k + 4k
    @Mistral and Tangrowth out 5th: 10k + 4k
    Ralin and Slowbro out 4th: 10.5k + 4k
    @Fabled and Mismagius out 3rd: 11k + 4k
    @Mikey57 and Slowking out 2nd: 11.5k + 4k
    @Ace Trainer Liam and Medicham win! 12k + 4k


    I get 12.5k + 4K
    Total: 55k
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  12. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | SM Private Preview | Helds On | Sandstorm | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    juliorain: (W) 3K Vs. Taither: (L) 1K
    Driftveil Gym battle. Greninja swept. Julio gets Quake Badge and TM Bulldoze.
    Julio: Jellicent, Greninja, [Gyarados], [Chesnaught] vs Tai: Hippowdon, Excadrill, (Mega)Garchomp, Swampert
    I get 2K
    Total: 57K​
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  13. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | Helds On | Sandstorm | Tall Grass Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva/Item/Legend Clauses
    Neonsands: (W) 5.5K Vs. Sou: (L) 2.5K
    Olivine Gym Battle. Nitro reffed half of this so like idk what do, fam, but I do know it came pretty dang close and Sou would actually have won it if she had used Blaze Kick cause we rolled after and it would have Burned :') Accidentally leaving crit in strikes again!
    Neon: Magnezone, (Mega)Metagross, Klefki, Excadrill, Aegislash, Aggron vs Sou: Accelgor, Espeon, (Mega)Lucario, Whimsicott, Togekiss, Klefki
    I get 1.5K
    @Nitro gets 1.5k
    Total: 58.5K​
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  14. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    GrayMagicGamma: (W) 5K Vs. Menegoth: (L) 2.5K
    Randoms. Dragonite did a lot of sweeping, then Cradily finished off Armaldo.
    GM: Dragonite, Cradily, +4 Unsent Pokemon vs Mene: Decidueye, Espeon, Bewear, Mimikyu, Alolan Sandslash, Armaldo
    I get 3K
    Total: 61.5K​
  15. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    4v4 | SM Private Preview | Doubles | Helds On | No Starting Weather | Volcano Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Ataro: (W) 3K Vs. Siless: (L) 1K
    Anistar Gym battle. This was a really close battle. Metagross blew up and Porygon-Z tried unsuccessfully to abuse Z-Conversion but Mega Gengar pulled it out for Ataro with Perish Song (just barely). Ataro gets TM Psyshock and Psychic Badge.
    Ataro: Lopunny, (Mega)Gengar, Porygon-Z, Metagross vs Si: Alakazam, (Mega)Slowbro, Gardevoir, Alolan Raichu
    I get 2K
    Total: 63.5K​
  16. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    GrayMagicGamma: (W) 5K Vs. Soulmaster: (L) 2.5K
    Randoms. Weavile swept because randoms.
    GM: Tyrantrum, Weavile, + 4 Unsent Pokemon vs SM: Hydreigon, Dragonite, Flygon, Spinda, Noivern, Ninjask
    I get 3K
    Total: 66.5K​
  17. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | Inverse | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    GrayMagicGamma: (W) 5K Vs. Soulmaster: (L) 2.5K
    Randoms. Pancham got rolled like 5x so Soul decided to just say screw it and used it and it ended up OHKOing two FE Pokemon lol gg. But GM managed to pull things out in the end.
    GM: Tyrantrum, Weavile, Mr. Mime, Gengar, Blaziken, Cradily vs SM: Pancham, Tyranitar, Altaria, Spinda, Ferrothorn, Raichu
    I get 3K
    Total: 3K​
  18. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:

    6v6 | SM Public Open | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Ash K.: (W) 5K Vs. GrayMagicGamma: (L) 2.5K
    Randoms. Smeargle shenanigans.
    Ash: Smeargle, Xatu, Blaziken, Kingdra, +2 Unsent Pokemon vs GM: Slowbro, Dragonite, Tyrantrum, Chesnaught, Gengar, Cradily
    I get 3K
    Total: 6K​
  19. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | Helds On | Rain | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    Neonsands: (W) 5.5K Vs. Sou: (L) 2.5K
    Laverre Gym Battle. Uhhh tbh I dont remember a lot lol but Mega Lucario proved 2 stronk 4 da fairies. Neon gets Fairy Badge + Dazzling Gleam.
    Neon: (Mega)Lucario, Lopunny, Crobat, Scizor, Golduck, +1 Unsent Pokemon vs Sou: (Mega)Mawile, Togekiss, Whimsicott, Ribombee, Azumarill, Mimikyu
    I get 3K
    Total: 9K​
  20. swiftgallade46

    swiftgallade46 Now with Mega Evolution

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    6v6 | SM Public Open | No Holds | No Starting Weather | Building Terrain | Sleep/Freeze/OHKO/Acc/Eva Clauses
    JacenBoy: (W) 5K Vs. juliorain: (L) 2.5K
    Randoms. Greninja is good randoms are not.
    JB: Togekiss, Greninja, Cradily, Carracosta, Incineroar, Vikavolt vs julio: Palossand, Klefki, Gourgeist Super-Size, Decidueye, Jellicent, Chandelure
    I get 3K
    Total: 12K​